Al-Hidayah Mosque - Surabaya In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Al-Hidayah Mosque in Surabaya, East Java was built around 1952 and was the first mosque to be built in Surabaya. For more than half a century, Al-Hidayah has been a center of Islamic activities in the city of Surabaya, East Java. During the 1950s, Al-Hidayah was known as the biggest mosque in Surabaya. It had a large courtyard with a fountain in the center where people gathered for congregational prayers. Al-Hidayah Mosque is still central to the Islamic life of Surabaya and continues to be a gathering place for the city's Muslims to perform prayers, learn about Islam, and celebrate Islamic festivals together. The mosque also features a library, a restaurant, and other facilities that host events like weddings and conferences. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


The Al-Hidayah Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia was built in 1961. It is a small, three-story building with a pointed roof and a minaret. The mosque’s façade is made up of rectangular concrete blocks in various shades of brown and white, and decorated with intricate patterns. The main structure, the prayer hall, is positioned in the middle of the building, and can accommodate up to 300 worshippers. The building is almost entirely open to air, with ventilation vents, windows, and open courtyards. The main entrance to the mosque is through the main prayer hall. The mosque also has a library and a small office for administrative purposes. Inside, the main walls are painted and decorated with quotations from the Qur'an. The building also has a female section, where some women can also participate in prayer. The interior of the mosque is decorated with natural materials such as wood, stone, and bamboo. The overall feel of the mosque is very inviting and peaceful. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

Al-Hidayah Mosque in Surabaya, Indonesia, is open for visitors from sunrise (7:00am) to 11pm. The mosque also provides a prayer room and places for visitors to read and learn about different beliefs. Visitors are advised to be respectful and understanding of local cultural customs. Visitors should wear modest clothing, remove their shoes upon entering, and refrain from eating or drinking during their visit. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

By Plane Nearest Airport toAl-Hidayah Mosque - Surabaya is Juanda International Airport, which is located 16 km away from the mosque. The airport offers flights to various local and international destinations. By Train Surabaya Gubeng Station is the main railway station located 5 km away from Al-Hidayah Mosque. Express trains run daily from this station to other major cities in Indonesia, including Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang and Solo. By Bus Al-Hidayah Mosque is located in the heart of Surabaya and is well-connected to the city by bus. Local buses from the nearby bus terminal (Kampung Molek Bus Terminal) run regularly to the mosque. By Car Al-Hidayah Mosque can be reached by car from the city center in about 20 minutes. Several taxi and ride-sharing services are available in Surabaya. beautiful masjid.

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