An-Nur Mosque - Medan In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

is an old mosque located in Medan, North Sumatra. It was built in1921 by the Indian Muslim community. An-Nur Mosque originally served as a gathering place for Muslim community members for religious and social activities. With its mesmeric white paint and red roof, An-Nur Mosque is one of the most recognizable places in the city. The first expansion of An-Nur Mosque was done in 1960 which further added more capacity to the mosque. The second expansion was done in 1984 and the third renovation was done in 2015. An-Nur Mosque is well known as a symbol of religious harmony in Medan, it has become a major attractive site for the locals as well as tourists. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


An-Nur Mosque is located in Medan, the capital and largest city in the Indonesian province of North Sumatra. This majestic mosque is renowned for its intricate architecture, and stands amidst lush greenery and majestic mountains. The most striking feature of An-Nur Mosque is its large and intricate dome, which is composed of 2 concentric layers built in Arab-Indonesian style and measures 24x25 meters. The inner layer is 13-meters high and the outer layer reaches a height of 25-meters, creating a beautiful monolithic impression. The entire building is adorned with fine ornaments and decorations, including traditional brass and zinc pilasters, arches, and motif-laden trusses. The entrance to the prayer hall is through a large decorative gate, wherein wooden doors have been exquisitely carved in traditional Islamic patterns. The interior of the mosque is a symphony of arches and pillars, while its large hall is divided into five aisles each carrying four prayer niches. An-Nur Mosque also has a mihrab, which is a niche in the wall that indicates the direction of Makkah, making it easier for Muslims to face the right direction when they are praying. This awe-inspiring building, which can accommodate around 2,000 worshippers at once, also has a minaret where the adhan (call to prayer) is sounded five times a day from. The entire building is built of teak-wood and is exquisitely arranged into various concentric circles. Allow yourself to be enchanted by the beauty of this masterpiece of Islamic architecture the next time you visit Medan. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

An-Nur Mosque in Medan, Indonesia is open for prayers 7 days a week, from sunrise to sunset local time. The Mosque is open to visitors and worshippers alike. The main area of the Mosque is open for visitors from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to dusk each day. In addition, the Mosque also offers a variety of educational and cultural activities, lectures, and events. Visitors are welcome to attend these activities, which typically take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then again from 4 p.m. to dusk. The Mosque also provides visitors with a range of services and facilities, including book rentals, Koran and Hadith study classes, translation services, and courtyard spaces for rest and reflection. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

An-Nur Mosque is located in Medan, Indonesia. Medan is the capital of the North Sumatra province and the third-biggest city in Indonesia. The closest airport to Medan is Kualanamu International Airport (KNO). A taxi from the airport to An-Nur Mosque will take around 30 minutes. If you are travelling by bus you can take the bus from Kuala Namu Airport to Medan Baru terminal. From Medan Baru terminal you can take a taxi to An-Nur Mosque, which will take around 15 minutes. You can also take a taxi directly from the airport to the Mosque, but it may take longer due to traffic. beautiful masjid.

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