Masjid Raya Dumai - Dumai In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Masjid Raya Dumai - Dumai in Indonesia was built by the famous Indonesian architect Ahmad Ghazali prior to the 18th century. It is believed to have been constructed during the late 17th century and is the only remaining structure that is still standing from the period. During the reign of Sultan Haji Surabaya, the mosque underwent multiple renovations. The exterior was redone with elements of Indonesian and Indian style, while the upper interior was embellished with colored marbles. The most renowned feature of the mosque is the “Ayatul-Iban” inscribed in each of its four corners in Malayu. It is one of the oldest and most important mosques in Indonesia and remains a center of religious worship for the local Muslim community. It is one of the most famous mosque in Indonesia which you must visit.


The Masjid Raya Dumai is an Islamic place of worship located in the city of Dumai, Riau province, Indonesia. The mosque which was established in the year 1987 by a group of local merchants and is currently managed by the Indonesian Ulema Council. It is widely considered as one of the most important mosques in the province due to its notable traditional architecture. The Masjid Raya Dumai is a large and impressive mosque, made of traditional materials and designed in accordance with classic Islamic architecture. The main roof is a giant pointed arch, supported by several additional, smaller arches, creating a curved look that is usually seen in congregational mosques across the world. The walls are made up of multi-colored tiles known as ‘batu alam’, while the main entrance is framed by a large yellow gate of traditional Malay architecture. Inside the prayer hall, the floor is adorned with colorful floor tiles. The Masjid Raya Dumai is also known for its mutarajim, or minaret towers, which are located at the four corners of the main roof. The Mutarajim of the Masjid Raya Dumai are quite remarkable and stand out due to their octagonal shape and the way they arepainted in shades of yellow and white. On top of each tower is a golden crescent, which is believed to symbolize the faith of the worshippers. The Masjid Raya Dumai is a place of worship that has become an important part of the fabric of the city and its cultural identity. It is open to people of all religions, and offers them a sense of belonging and a spiritual connection to the different cultures and beliefs of the Indonesian people. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Masjid Raya Dumai in Indonesia are from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm each day. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Mass Transportation: Public transport is available to Masjid Raya Dumai, located in the city center of Dumai. There are buses and mini-busses that run from most towns around the area. Several companies offer express minibus services that run daily from the main cities of Padang, Medan, and Pekanbaru. Taxi: Taxi services are available in the city center of Dumai. They operate around the clock and can take you directly to Masjid Raya Dumai. Car Rental: Car rentals are available in the city center of Dumai. You can hire a car to get to the mosque. Parking: There is limited parking available near Masjid Raya Dumai. However, you can usually find a spot in the parking lot located nearby. beautiful masjid.

Explore Indonesia most popular tourist destination with us. Masjid Raya Dumai - Dumai In Indonesia: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Indonesia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Dumai, Indonesia Indonesia

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