Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah, Kanpur In India: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

The ziarat is dedicated to Hazrat Baba Roshan Ali Shah (1775–1834). Baba Roshan Ali was a Sufi of the Chisti Sufi order. He is considered to be a saint by many people in India. Baba Roshan Ali was a spiritual master and devotee of Allah. He had many disciples and followers, who respected and revered him immensely. It is believed that his shrine is located in the same building as the mausoleum of Baba Tajdaar Ali. Visitors to this ziarat have reported good effects and blessings from visiting. Devotees have reported seeing beautiful lights around the area and gaining spiritual peace and inspiration. The ziarat is a popular site for visitors, and it is visited regularly by many devotees. It is also a popular site for worship services, and people gather there to offer special prayers in honor of Baba Roshan Ali Shah. Visitors can also take part in Dua and other spiritual activities. It is one of the most famous mosque in India which you must visit.


Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is a historic shrine located in the city of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The shrine was built during the rule of the Mughal Empire in India in the late 16th century. The shrine is dedicated to Baba Roshan Ali Shah, the Mughal commander-in-chief. This shrine has been declared a protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India. The architecture of Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is inspired by both Mughal and Islamic architecture. The entrance to the shrine is a large arched doorway with intricate designs, decorated with red sandstone. The entire complex is constructed from red sandstone. It comprises two entrance gates, a central court, a prayer hall, a sanctum sanctorum, and a circumambulatory path. The central court is surrounded by high sandstone walls decorated with geometric designs and has several small and large domes. The domes are adorned with blue and green tiles. The prayer hall has multiple arches, each adorned with intricate designs made from red sandstone. In the center stands a platform, built to add grandeur to the holy shrine. The sanctum sanctorum of the shrine includes a marble platform and a marble idol of Baba Roshan Ali Shah. The circumambulatory path around the central court is used for the devotees to take a circumambulatory walk around the shrine. Overall, Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is an important element of India’s rich architectural heritage. This shrine brings together the best of Mughal and Islamic architecture, providing a glimpse into the past. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah in Kanpur, India, vary depending on the time of year and specific timings of the shrine. Generally, it is open from sunrise to sunset, or from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time. It is advisable to call ahead and check the exact timing as they can vary. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is a shrine located at Malihabad in UP. The shrine is located at a distance of 25 km from Kanpur city. By Air: The nearest domestic airport to Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is Kanpur Airport (KNU). It is about 26 km away from the shrine. Several flights available from major cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Lucknow. By Rail: The nearest railhead to the Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is Kanpur Central Railway Station (CNB). This railway station is well-connected with daily trains from major cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, and other major cities in India. By Road: Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah is connected with major cities in India via NH51, NH44, and NH2. Regular private buses, taxis and cabs ply between Kanpur and Malihabad, which is 6 km away from Ziarat Baba Roshan Ali Shah. beautiful masjid.

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