Megalithic cists and cairns, Kattamputtur In India: History,Facts, & Services

Megalithic cists and cairns, Kattamputtur Overview Megalithic cists and cairns, Kattamputtur are archaeological sites located near the village of Kattamputtur, India. These sites consist of a network of ancient megalithic-style constructions that include dolmens, stone circles, cists, tumuli and cairns. These structures are thought to date back to the Iron Age, roughly between 1000 and 500 BC. Prominent Features Megalithic cists and cairns, Kattamputtur have many distinguishing features. These archaeological structures are made out of large, flat stones that are set in an upright position in order to create a series of walls and chambers. They have a very complex design and are built with various shapes, sizes and orientations. Some of the structures are also decorated with carvings and engravings. History The exact origin of the megalithic cists and cairns, Kattamputtur is unknown. However, it is commonly believed that they were created by hunter-gatherers or early farmers during the Iron Age period. It is possible that they were used as religious or burial sites, as there are still remains of human bones found in some of these structures. Interesting Facts Megalithic cists and cairns, Kattamputtur are some of the earliest remaining architecture in Asia. The site is a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site and is an important part of India’s cultural heritage. It is also believed that the construction of these structures was a form of spiritual practice, as they have sacred and ritualistic connections.

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