Matharbari Ruins In India: History,Facts, & Services

Matharbari Ruins Overview Matharbari Ruins is an ancient archaeological site located in West Bengal, India. The ruins are believed to be from the Maurya period, spanning from 321 BCE to 185 BCE. The ruins are located near the town of Bardhaman, about 18 miles from Kolkata. The ruins are believed to have been constructed as a part of the military and administrative section of the court of Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Matharbari Ruins Prominent Features Matharbari Ruins consists of an imposing brick and stone edifice, although a significant portion has been lost over time. The structure was originally a two-storied one, but more than half of it has been ruined. Only a portion at the front and on either side of the entrance gate is still standing. The upper portion is made from grey basalt stone, while the lower portion is made from red clay. Around the ruin site is a large open area, with a nearby pond. Matharbari Ruins History The Matharbari Ruins were first discovered in the 19th century and the archaeologists have no doubt that it is from the Mauryan period. The structures are believed to have been constructed for the administrative purposes of the court of Emperor Ashoka. The structures show the advanced level of civil engineering practiced by the Mauryans. The ruins also demonstrate the skill of the Mauryans in constructing large and impressive structures. Matharbari Ruins Interesting Facts Matharbari Ruins are an important archaeological site, as they contain some of the first evidence of large-scale public infrastructure planning in India. The remains of the structure also provide a valuable insight into the advanced engineering skills practiced by the Mauryans. Another interesting fact is that the ruins are believed to have the remains of the first stupa in India, which was constructed in the 3rd century BCE. The site also contains the remains of two Ashokan-era stupas.

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