Jahangirpur gate In India: History,Facts, & Services


irpur Gate: Jahangirpur Gate is a historical gateway located in New Delhi, India. It was formerly known as Jahangir Gate, is the sole surviving Chaukhandi gateway in the city of Delhi. The meaning of jahangirpura is a town of Jagannath temple and is derived from the worship of Lord Jagannath. The Jahangirpur Gate is one of the many ancient monuments of Delhi and has been declared a protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India. Jahangirpur Gate This national monument of India portrays the history and culture of the country.


The most prominent feature of the Jahangirpur gate is the huge double-storeyed red sandstone structure with a steep semi-circular arch. The arch is elaborately decorated with Mughal motifs including floral designs and geometric patterns. The top of the arch is surmounted by a large chhatri with small domes and finials. The gate is beautified with painted floral designs and colourful frescoes. Jahangirpur Gate You must visit one of these historical places in India on your India tour

Interesting Facts:

One of the historical monuments of India,it tells the story of a bygone era.
The gateway was constructed on the orders of Jahangir, the 4th Mughal Emperor of India in 1605-06. Jahangir had it constructed to commemorate the victory of his son Khurram ( later called Shah Jahan) in a battle fought against Raja Sarangjeet of Mustu in Allahabad. The gateway also served as a market gate and as a way to enter the city. Jahangirpur Gate

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