Burial Cave of Eyyal In India: History,Facts, & Services

Burial Cave of Eyyal Overview The Burial Cave of Eyyal, also called the Siva temple of Irattayar, can be found on the outskirts of Thiruvalla town in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala, India. It is one of the most famous historical caves in southern India. Burial Cave of Eyyal Prominent Features The Burial Cave of Eyyal is an exceptional archaeological site that features a 15 feet long tunnel like underground chamber carved out of laterite. Inside the chamber lies a set of two chests that date back to the 10th century. These chests are believed to contain the remains of the kings of the Eyyal Kingdom. The entire chamber is beautifully decorated with rock carvings, paintings and sculptures. Burial Cave of Eyyal History The origin of Burial Cave of Eyyal dates back to the 10th century CE when the region was ruled by the powerful kings of the Eyyal dynasty. According to local legends, the cave served as the royal burial chamber and the two chests are believed to hold the remains of the kings of the Eyyal kingdom. Burial Cave of Eyyal Interesting Facts •The whole cave is a pure work of art, it contains intricate carvings and sculptures made of stones, depicting the gods and goddesses of Hindu mythology. •The site has been declared as an archaeological protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). •The rock carvings and sculptures found in the burial cave are thought to be the finest example of Kerala’s ancient art and craftsmanship.

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