Battisi Baoli In India: History,Facts, & Services

Battisi Baoli is an ancient stepwell located near the city of Kotu, Rajasthan, India. The stepwell is one of the most beautiful and historical step wells in India. Battisi Baoli You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in India.


Chand Baori is a step well dating back to the 9th century that was built by King Chand of the Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty. It is built in the form of an inverted pyramid and has 3500 steps consisting of 13 stories. The sides of the pyramid are adorned with sculptures and stone carvings. It was designed to conserve water and is the deepest and largest step well in India. Battisi Baoli This national monument of India portrays the history and culture of the country.


The Battisi Baoli features three different levels with a depth of 35 meters. The water in the Battisi Baoli remains year-round, making it a cool, dark retreat from the hot desert climate in Rajasthan. It is a three-level, stepped well made up of 13 stories in a pyramid shape and contains 3,500 steps. The steps of the Baoli have been elaborately decorated with inscriptions and sculpted figures of gods and goddesses. Battisi Baoli You must visit one of these historical places in India on your India tour

Interesting facts:

• Battisi Baoli is the deepest and largest stepwell in India. • The Battisi Baoli has over 3,500 steps, which were once used as a way to access the water in the stepwell. • The steps of the Baoli are intricately crafted with carvings, inscriptions and figures of gods and goddesses. • The Battisi Baoli is a popular tourist attraction and has featured in numerous films such as Paheli and Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam.Visit one of the famous monuments of India with your friends and family.

Explore India most popular tourist destination with us. Battisi Baoli In India: History,Facts, & Services,which is 0 km away from India main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Rajasthan India

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