Babu Shah Dargah, Amritsar In India: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Babu Shah Dargah is a historic shrine near Amritsar in the state of Punjab, India. The shrine is dedicated to Babu Shah, a Sufi saint and the son of famous Sufi saint Mian Mir. It is believed that Babu Shah lived in the early 17th century and was a disciple of Mian Mir. The Dargah was initially built in 1664 by Jahangir and the Mughal Emperor at the time, but underwent extensive repairs in 1762 during the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Nawab Kapur Singh who restored its original shape and form. The shrine has been venerated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims alike since it was established. Every year on urs (anniversaries) of the saint, Muslims and Sikhs perform collective prayers and devotees offer prayers for the fulfillment of wishes. This day is marked by distribution of food and langar (free meals) at the shrine. It is believed that anyone who prays at the shrine with true faith and devotion is blessed with divine guidance and miracles. It is one of the most famous mosque in India which you must visit.


The Babu Shah Dargah is a prominent pilgrimage site located in Amritsar, India. The shrine has become a popular destination for Hindu, Sikh, and Sufi devotees alike. The architectural style of the dargah is traditional Indian, depicting the architecture of the Mughal period. The architecture is characterized by its large domes, intricately detailed lattice work, carved stonework, and ornate courtyards. The shrine also features a variety of small shrines, prayer rooms, pavilions, and residences for holy individuals. The dargah also houses several tombs inside, including the tombs of Babu Shah and his daughter. The intricate carvings on the walls and domes of the building reflect the artistry of the Mughal era. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The visiting hours of Babu Shah Dargah, Amritsar are from 8 AM to 8 PM every day throughout the week. best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

Amritsar is the nearest airport to Babu Shah Dargah. The distance between Amritsar Airport and Babu Shah Dargah is 23.7 km. The journey will take around 40 minutes and you can hire a taxi to reach there. The nearest railway station is Amritsar Junction. The distance between Amritsar Junction and Babu Shah Dargah is 18.8 km. The journey will take around 25 minutes and you can hire a taxi to reach there. If you are travelling by bus, you can board a bus from Amritsar Bus Stand to reach Babu Shah Dargah. The journey will take around 40 minutes. By road, Babu Shah Dargah is best accessed by a personal car. You can take the Grand Trunk Road and turn onto Hall Gate and continue until you reach the Babu Shah Dargah. The total distance between Amritsar and Babu Shah Dargah is 16.5 km. The journey will take around 25 minutes. beautiful masjid.

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Punjab India

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