Ancient Temple In India: History,Facts, & Services

Ancient Temple Overview Ancient temples are a type of spiritual structure built to house a deity or deities of a religion. Temples can be found in all kinds of cultures, ranging from polytheistic to monotheistic, and even in some cases outside of organized religion. They are often built of stone and decorated with symbols, statues, and paintings. The main role of an ancient temple is to provide a place for worship and devotion, where people can come to show homage to their chosen deity. Ancient Temple Prominent Features Ancient temples often had several common features that varied from culture to culture. Many temples contained a type of altar, a sacred place for religious ceremonies, and a place for offerings to be made to the deity or deities. Some temples contained a courtyard, a type of space for public gatherings, and a place for study and prayer. Other features that were often found in ancient temples include tombs, statuary, and statues or sculptures of the deity or deities being worshipped. Ancient Temple History Ancient temples originated in various places around the world, such as ancient Greece, Egypt, and India. They are believed to have first appeared in the Neolithic period, when humans were beginning to settle in more permanent locations. Temples were used for many different reasons such as religion, politics, education, and more. As time went on, the form of the temples changed based on different religious, cultural, and architectural elements. In some cases, the temple was adapted to integrate other religions, while other times it was left unchanged. Ancient Temple Interesting Facts • Ancient temples often had secret entrances and exits that could only be accessed by priests or initiates. • Ancient Greeks built a type of temple called a cella, which consisted of a covered area with a statue or an altar for offerings to the deity or deities. • To ancient cultures, temples were often considered to be a microcosm of the world, containing the powers and forces of the universe. • Many ancient temples served as a library or school for the people in their surrounding area. • Ancient temples were often but not always places of worship, as they could be used for political, cultural, and educational ceremonies.

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Angkor Wat (Cambodia), Borobudur (Indonesia), Konark Sun Temple (India), Aksum (Ethiopia), Tuzigoot National Monument (Arizona). India

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