Ancient Brick Templein including Prachin Shivalaya In India: History,Facts, & Services

Overview Ancient Brick Temple in Prachin Shivalaya is a religious site located in India. It is believed to be around 2000 years old. The temple complex consists of five smaller temples and a large sprawling complex around them. The main temple is a brick structure dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed to be the first temple in India made of bricks and is thought to be the place where Lord Shiva was first worshipped. Prominent Features The prominent features of the temple are the five small temples built inside the main temple compound. These five temples are dedicated to a number of different gods and goddesses such as Lord Ganesha, Lord Kartikeya, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Goddess Parvati. The main temple is quite large and includes a large number of sculptures and reliefs that are dedicated to the gods and goddesses. History The Ancient Brick Temple in Prachin Shivalaya is believed to have been constructed sometime between the 8th and 9th centuries AD. This makes it one of the oldest temples in India and it has been a place of religious importance for centuries. The temple complex is surrounded by a wall and the entrance is guarded by two large statues of Nandi, the bull. Interesting Facts The temple complex at Prachin Shivalaya is said to have been built by the ancient King of Ayodhya, Raja Dasharatha. The temple is thought to be the birthplace of Lord Shiva and is said to be the very first place where he was worshipped in India. The temple is also considered to be a place of great historical importance and is often visited by devotees from all over the country.

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    1. Karnataka 2. Maharashtra 3. Bihar 4. Rajasthan 5. Madhya Pradesh 6. Uttar Pradesh 7. Gujarat 8. Odisha 9. Jharkhand 10. Telangana

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1. Karnataka 2. Maharashtra 3. Bihar 4. Rajasthan 5. Madhya Pradesh 6. Uttar Pradesh 7. Gujarat 8. Odisha 9. Jharkhand 10. Telangana India

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