Church of the Holy FamilyIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services

Church of the Holy Family is a Catholic parish in southeast Omaha, Nebraska. Founded in 1934, it has served the local community for over 80 years and is still growing. The parish is a vibrant and welcoming community, open to people of all ages and backgrounds. It is home to a vibrant selection of ministries, from Spiritual Direction to Charismatic Prayer and even Youth Ministry. Services include weekday and weekend Masses, confession, weddings, baptisms, funerals, and other special services. Church of the Holy Family also plays a major role in supporting the local community through outreach such as providing meals for the needy, working with various shelters and hosting retreats for the young and old alike.

Explore Croatia most popular tourist destination with us. Church of the Holy FamilyIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Croatia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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