Belfry of St. MaryIn Croatia: History,Facts, & Services
The Belfry of St. Mary is a medieval bell tower located in the city of Ghent, Belgium. It was built in the 15th century and is part of the touristic area around Ghent's City Hall. The Belfry is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular landmark in Ghent.
The Belfry of St. Mary is a rectangular tower that stands at 91 meters tall and is topped by an octagonal spire with Gothic arches and a carillon of 47 bells. The architecture is a combination of several styles ranging from late-Gothic to Renaissance. The Neogothic statues of St. Nicolaas and St. Michael were added in the 19th century.
The Belfry of St. Mary is one of three historic towers located in Ghent and serves as the main symbol of the city. It houses the town’s archives and multimedia library that contains records of the city’s history. There is also a tourist office which is open daily and provides guided tours of the old city, as well as souvenir shops and restaurants.
The Belfry of St. Mary is a popular destination and also holds special events such as concerts, festivals, and historical reenactments throughout the year. It is also a venue for regular cultural performances and presentations of the carillon. The tower offers an extraordinary view of the cityscape that can be accessed for a small fee.
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