San Agustin Archaeological Park - Huila In Colombia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


San Agustin Archaeological Park is located in Huila department in Colombia. It is situated about 50km northwest of the city of Neiva, in the east of the country. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995 as it houses the largest collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in South America. The sculptures are located in river valleys and plazas and most are made from volcanic rock. The park is spread out over 14 hectares of lush valley between the Magdalena and Huila rivers and consists of burial chambers, burial mounds and archaeological remains of a pre-Columbian civilization. Visitors can explore the area and see the sculptures as well as the burial sites and other artifacts. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Colombia
Prominent Features:

- Is a UNESCO World Heritage Site - Contains eight archaeological monuments from the ancient Muisca people -Includes: The Sun Temple, Coffin's Temple, the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, Aqueduct of San Agustin, The Archaeological Museum, Monumental Monoliths, and the Statues of Bad and Good Government -The area spans over 40 hectares and is one of the largest collections of pre-Columbian monuments in Latin America -You can explore the archaeological park or hike along the trails that lead to the Monumental Monoliths -The Archaeological Museum contains artifacts from the pre-Columbian period, such as pottery, stone sculptures, and tools -The area is surrounded by stunning, lush scenery and wildlife, including howler monkeys, frogs, birds, and even jaguars -You can visit the nearby villages to learn more about the indigenous cultures, and explore markets filled with craftwork and homemade goods This national monument of Colombia portrays the history and culture of the country.


San Agustin Archaeological Park is located in the Department of Huila, Colombia. This UNESCO World Heritage site is the archaeological park in Colombia and the first in Latin America. It covers over 450 hectares of land and includes at least 7 major archaeological sites, all dating back to the pre-Columbian period. The earliest evidence of human activity in this area dates back to 6,000 BCE. The park contains relics of various pre-Columbian cultures, such as the Yotoco, Yagase, and San Agustin cultures. One of the most famous artifacts found in the park is the San Agustin statuary, which is made up of some 500 giant statues scattered over the area. The statues are carved in volcanic stone and depict human and animal forms. They are thought to have been created between 800 BCE and 500 CE. In the early 11th century, fierce Amazonian tribes began to invade the area and the pre-Columbian cultures were slowly decimated and the statues fell into obscurity. In the late 19th century, San Agustin Archaeological Park was “rediscovered” by a group of Spanish explorers led by Augusto Bernal. The explorers were so fascinated by the giant stone statues that they wrote a report about them, sparking an interest in archaeological exploration in the region. In 1966, the Colombian government declared the site a national monument and created the San Agustin Archaeological Park. In 1995, the site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, as it represents an outstanding cultural landscape and is home to a wealth of archaeological artifacts. Since then, the park has become an international tourist destination, with thousands of visitors coming to explore its ruins and to admire its statues. The park is also home to a museum and an interactive learning center. It is believed that the San Agustin Archaeological Park holds more secrets that have yet to be uncovered. It is a site of incredible beauty and it holds an invaluable part of Colombia’s past. You must visit one of these historical places in Colombia on your Colombia tour

Interesting facts:

1. San Agustin Archaeological Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the most important and largest archaeological sites in Latin America. 2. The park contains more than 500 statues and reliefs from the period of pre-Columbian Colombia. The statues are mainly anthropomorphic (human-like) and zoomorphic (animal-like). 3. One of the most impressive sites is the Alto de los Ídolos, or the Hill of Idols, containing 39 large statues, the largest of which is over 12 feet tall. 4. There are also several burial sites in the area, with tombs belonging to the ancient San Agustín culture. 5. San Agustin Archaeological Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including spectacled bears, pumas, tapirs, and howler monkeys. 6. The archaeological park also features a number of sites related to pre-Columbian religions, including a volcanic crater thought to be a site of ancient religious ceremonies. Visit one of the famous monuments of Colombia with your friends and family.

Explore Colombia most popular tourist destination with us. San Agustin Archaeological Park - Huila In Colombia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Colombia main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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