Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 - Halifax, Nova Scotia In Canada: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 is a national museum in Halifax, Nova Scotia dedicated to the Canadian immigration experience. The museum traces its roots to 1928 when Pier 21 first opened its doors as an ocean gateway to Canada. It was Canada's largest and most active immigration port from 1928 to 1971, bringing over one million immigrants and war brides to the country. The museum celebrates the stories of all immigrants to Canada and explores themes such as challenges, diversity and the concept of home. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Canada
Prominent Features:

, the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia is a national museum devoted to celebrating the profound effects of immigration to Canada. Its mission is to create conversations and experiences that foster a deeper understanding of immigration and its influence. Exhibitions and programs explore the evolving immigrant experience, from the 1880s to the present day. Special attention is devoted to showing the experiences of those who have arrived on Pier 21 over the years, including war brides, child refugees and the Halifax explosion victims. The museum includes a permanent exhibition - Arrivals: The Story of Immigration to Canada - which tells the stories of the generations of newcomers who have made Canada their home. It is complemented by a selection of changing temporary exhibitions, interactive activities and dynamic programs that bring the past and present together. Visitors to the museum can also explore the Halifax Immigration Hall, where the first waves of immigrants arrived to Canada, as well as other historic exhibits. There are interactive music and video experiences that highlight the diversity of Canada's immigration history. Visitors can also watch the films “Meeting Multiculturalism” and “New Voices” which feature the stories of newcomers to Canada. The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 also offers education programs and activities for a range of ages. This national monument of Canada portrays the history and culture of the country.


Pier 21, now the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The pier has played an important role in Canadian history since it opened in 1928. Initially, Pier 21 was used as an immigration processing shed, where over one million immigrants were welcomed to Canada. It was also a Canadian port of entry for over 500,000 Canadian military personnel during World War II, when it served as the largest naval base used by the Allies in the North Atlantic. In the early 2000s, Pier 21 closed to visitors and began its transformation into the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in 2008, under the direction of Parks Canada. The museum provides interactive exhibits and tours that highlight the history and contributions of immigration in Canada, including the stories of war veterans, refugees, and those facing the challenge of forging new homes in a foreign nation. The museum promotes an appreciation for the cultural diversity that exists in Canada and the people from around the world who make it what it is today. In 2020, the museum received the National Award for Historic Preservation from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, in recognition of its contribution to Canada’s history and culture. The award celebrates the perseverance of the volunteers and staff who worked hard to create a lasting legacy of history at Pier 21. Today, Pier 21 stands as a beacon in Canadian history and a reminder of the great contributions of immigration to the development of the nation. Through its exhibitions, programs, films, interactive activities, and special events, the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 continues to spread the stories of these immigrants, and their impact on the nation. You must visit one of these historical places in Canada on your Canada tour

Interesting facts:

: 1. The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 is the only museum in Canada dedicated to telling the stories of the immigrants who have arrived in this country. 2. The Museum opened in 1999 as the result of the collaborative efforts of the Canadian government, the Nova Scotia provincial government, non-profit organizations, and private individuals. 3. Over one million immigrants and refugees from over 100 countries have passed through Pier 21 since it opened in 1928 as Canada's Ocean Gateway. 4. It has also served as the birthplace of the iconic Canadian identity card—the first step of nationality for all Canadian citizens. 5. The museum holds an extensive collection of objects, documents, photographs, and multimedia displays which bring the stories of Canadian immigration and settlement to life. 6. The museum offers researchers access to its collection of over 6,000 archival records, in addition to over 500 periodicals, newspapers, and newsletters related to immigration. 7. The museum also offers a range of educational programs both for school groups and for the general public. 8. In 2010, the museum was recognized for its accomplishments with the Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Museums. 9. The museum holds several special events during the year, including a Canada Day celebration, a Remembrance Day Ceremony, a Multicultural Festival, and other exciting activities. Visit one of the famous monuments of Canada with your friends and family.

Explore Canada most popular tourist destination with us. Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 - Halifax, Nova Scotia In Canada: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Canada main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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