Simtokha Dzong In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Simtokha Dzong, also known as Simthoka Dzong, is the oldest fortress in Bhutan. The dzong has served as a religious, military and administrative centre. Built in 1629 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the founder of the Bhutanese state, it is situated about 5 km from Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. The dzong is a three-storey structure, with round stone bastions and solid timber work. It houses the school of language and culture, where Buddhist monks are trained in traditional arts. This makes it an important centre for the study and preservation of Bhutanese language, religion and culture. It is also home to several Buddhist temples, including the main temple which is dedicated to Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bhutan
Prominent Features:

1. Simtokha Dzong is one of the oldest dzongs in Bhutan. 2. It was constructed in 1629 by the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. 3. It is located about 5 km south of Thimphu and is one of the most important cultural sites in the country. 4. The dzong houses the Institute for Language and Culture Studies, a centre established for the preservation of the Bhutanese language and cultural heritage. 5. Simtokha Dzong is a three stories tall building and the architecture is a mix of religious and secular buildings. 6. The dzong also houses three large chorten and two large prayer wheels. 7. The main entrance of the dzong is adorned with four guardian figures, each representing the four directions. 8. Simtokha Dzong is home to several important Tibetan religious artifacts, including Buddhist scriptures, statues, and monuments. 9. The inner sanctums of the dzong are considered sacred and devoted to the preservation of the Bhutanese culture and religion. This national monument of Bhutan portrays the history and culture of the country.


Simtokha Dzong, located near Thimphu, Bhutan, is one of the oldest and most iconic fortresses in the country, providing a window into the unique architecture and culture of Bhutan. It was built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1629 and is the oldest surviving dzong in the country. The dzong serves as an important religious site and symbol of Bhutanese sovereignty, having been the seat of Bhutan’s first monastic body. The earliest records of Simtokha Dzong date back to 1627, when it was built as a fortress to protect the population in the region from invading forces led by the Tibetan army of the Fifth Dalai Lama. It was initially constructed as a four storey building with a seven tiered roof, but over the years subsequent structures were added to its structure. In 1835, a fortification wall was erected around the dzong, and it was further expanded and renovated in 1924 and 1958. In the early 17th century, Simtokha Dzong served as a prison for rebellious and criminal monks from the Drukpa sect, after Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal declared Drukpa as the state religion in Bhutan. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, the purpose of the fortress had changed and it now serves as an educational institute, housing the most important school of Buddhist studies in the country. The monastery now houses about 200 monks and an institute that teaches Buddhist philosophy and rituals, as well as traditional art forms such as Dzongkha. Simtokha Dzong is an important architectural and cultural site in Bhutan and is a popular tourist destination. Its intricate woodwork, decorated walls, and impressive gateways provide a unique view into the kingdom’s history and culture. Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the dzong to witness its grandeur and immerse themselves in its rich culture and history. You must visit one of these historical places in Bhutan on your Bhutan tour

Interesting facts:

1. Simtokha Dzong is one of the oldest monasteries in Bhutan that was built in 1629. 2. The dzong was built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the powerful Buddhist lama who unified Bhutan in 1616. 3. Simtokha Dzong was built to protect the region from Tibetan invasions and has since served as a fort to protect the country from foreign invasions. 4. The dzong was home to the School for Buddhist Studies that was established in the 1680s by Zhabdrung. 5. The dzong was severely damaged by a fire caused by lightning strike in 2012, and repair works at the site are ongoing. 6. The dzong holds statues of the four Bhutanese lamas of the past. 7. The dzong is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and was opened to the visitors in 2012 following major repair works. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bhutan with your friends and family.

Explore Bhutan most popular tourist destination with us. Simtokha Dzong In Bhutan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Bhutan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Thimphu Bhutan

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