Altun Ha Temple of the Masonry Altars In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Altun Ha is an archaeological site in northern Belize. The site is located on the Caribbean coast of the country, approximately 25 miles north of the city of Belize. It is believed to have been an important ceremonial and trading center during the Mayan civilization, from approximately 250 to 900 A.D. Altun Ha consists of two plazas surrounded by several masonry temples and residential structures. The most impressive feature of the site is the Masonry Altar Temple — a 12 foot high pyramid-like structure that is considered to be one of the largest examples of Mayan stonework in the entire world. Since Altun Ha was discovered in 1961, it has been the subject of archaeological research and excavation, and has become a popular destination for tourists. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belize
Prominent Features:

1. Large Staircase: The Temple of the Masonry Altars at Altun Ha is constructed with a large front staircase and a dozen steps that lead up to the temple. 2. Recreation Platform: The platform which was used for recreation purposes has been restored to its original condition. 3. Sacred Altars: The temple is decorated with several carved masonry altars which have been identified as sacred shrines used by the Maya gods. 4. Unique Structure: The temple is considered to be unique structure as it is the only one of its kind in Belize. 5. Symbolic Artwork: The walls of the temple feature symbolic artwork that depict various aspects of Mayan life. 6. Palisade Wall: Surrounding the temple is a tall palisade wall, which is believed to have been built to protect the Maya people from their enemies. 7. Monumental Urns: On the upper platform of the temple are several monumental urns with carved designs. 8. Hieroglyphs: Several stone panels with hieroglyphs have been discovered near the temple walls. This national monument of Belize portrays the history and culture of the country.


Altun Ha is a pre-Columbian Maya ruin located in Belize, and is considered one of the most significant archaeological sites in the country. The temple was originally constructed around 600 BC, and soon after its occupation, it became one of the most important cities in the region. Early settlers constructed several masonry altars dedicated to their deities that were used in ceremonies throughout the city’s long history. These masonry altars were first documented by Spanish missionaries in the 16th century and are believed to date back to the late Preclassic period (600 BC–300 AD). They served as sites of ritual sacrifice, where human and animal blood was spilled to honor the gods. Evidence suggests that the Maya also used the altars to burn incense and make offerings to their deities. In addition to these activities, the altars were also used as platforms for the performance of dances and other rituals. The masonry altars at Altun Ha are particularly impressive because of their size and the number of them located across the city. There are thirteen altars located in total, which measure up to 12 meters (40 feet) in length and 2.5 meters (8 feet) in height. They are made of local stone crafted into architectural forms such as the four cardinal points or the four directional realms. The art carved into the altars includes animal motifs, astronomical symbols, and the god of thunder. In addition, the east side of the temple plaza is covered with a thick layer of stucco that has inscriptions and drawings of dancing Maya. The masonry altars at Altun Ha are some of the best-preserved altars in the Yucatan Peninsula and offer a unique insight into the ancient cultures of the region. This temple provides visitors with an unparalleled insight into the symbolism and spiritual beliefs of the Maya and how they interacted with their gods. Altun Ha is a must-see for anyone interested in pre-Columbian archaeology and Maya culture. You must visit one of these historical places in Belize on your Belize tour

Interesting facts:

1. Altun Ha was the largest cities in Ancient Belize, covering 20 square miles and containing more than 1,000 structures. 2. Altun Ha’s main feature was the Masonry Altars, temple atop a pyramid looming directly over the town. 3. The temple walls feature elaborate carvings of gods and Mayan symbology. 4. An intricately carved jade head was also found in the temple, now housed in the Belizean National Museum. 5. The Masonry Altars were used for ritualistic ceremonies and human sacrifice. 6. Today, visitors of Altun Ha can climb the steps of the temple, explore the inner chambers, and soak in the history of ancient Belize. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belize with your friends and family.

Explore Belize most popular tourist destination with us. Altun Ha Temple of the Masonry Altars In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Belize main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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