Xunantunich Stela Plaza In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Xunantunich Stela Plaza is located in the archaeological site of Xunantunich, a Mayan ruin located in western Belize. The stela plaza features a large platform, several large plazas, and stelae (or carved stones). The plaza is an excellent example of Maya architecture and is an important site for the reconstruction of the Mayan archaeological history. The plaza was likely used for public and ceremonial events and is now a popular tourist destination in the region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belize
Prominent Features:

1. Xunantunich Plaza: The Xunantunich Stela Plaza is the largest and most visually striking portion of the Xunantunich Archaeological Site. It features the famous Stela A, one of the most significant Maya carvings, depicting a ruler seated atop a mythical beast with a serpent writhing beneath his feet. 2. Carvings: The Stela Plaza also features several other stelae, including Stela B, C, and D. These stelae carvings are all intricately designed with images and symbols of the Mayan gods. 3. El Castillo Pyramidal Structure: El Castillo is the central structure in the plaza. It rises 130 feet (40 m) above the plaza and commands a stunning view of the surrounding area. This massive temple was used as a shrine to Mayan gods. 4. Sacbe: To link Xunantunich with other cities in the region, the Mayans built a sacbe, or road, that connected them with other important sites. The sacbe can still be seen running through the plaza. 5. Aballa: The Aballa is an architectural structure that surrounded the Stela Plaza at the time Xunantunich was first built. This low wall may have been used to display offerings to the gods. Today, it stands just a few feet high, but still provides an impressive view of the area. This national monument of Belize portrays the history and culture of the country.


Xunantunich is an ancient Maya archaeological site in present-day Belize. Located in the Cayo District, about 8 miles (13 kilometers) west of the modern border with Guatemala, Xunantunich stands atop a ridge that overlooks the Mopan River. Its name translates to “Stone Woman” and is derived from local legends of a woman of stone who visits the site at night. At its height in the late Classic period (800 AD - 900 AD), Xunantunich was a sizeable city with around 6,500 people living in and around the site. Following the decline of the Maya civilization, Xunantunich was abandoned sometime during the 10th century. The site features a large pyramid (referred to as a temple) known as El Castillo (“The Castle”). The temple stands at 130 ft (40 m) tall, making it one of the tallest structures in Belize. At the base of El Castillo lies the Xunantunich Stela Plaza. The Stela Plaza is lined with thirteen carved Maya monuments (stelae) that emphasize the status of the city’s rulers. Other structures in the plaza include shrines, platforms and a massive, stepped pyramid. The stelae display intricate carving of gods and rulers, providing clues to the dynamics of Xunantunich’s royal court. Written in hieroglyphic text, the stelae also provide a rare glimpse into the events of an ancient city. Xunantunich is currently managed by the Institute of Archaeology of Belize. The site is open to the public and is also a popular destination for educational tours and archaeological research. You must visit one of these historical places in Belize on your Belize tour

Interesting facts:

1. Xunantunich, or Stone Woman, is an ancient Mayan city located in western Belize. 2. Xunantunich is situated along the Mopan River, across from the El Cayo District. 3. Xunantunich Stela Plaza is one of the largest plazas from the Classic Period of the Mayan Empire and is surrounded by seven huge stelae, carved monuments created during that period. 4. The plaza is 87 meters long and 135 meters wide and is the largest of the Xunantunich plazas. 5. The Stela Plaza is believed to have been constructed around 800 AD. 6. Stela 1 of the Xunantunich Stela Plaza is one of the longest stelae ever discovered in the Mayan Empire and is carved with fascinating hieroglyphs, images, and symbols. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belize with your friends and family.

Explore Belize most popular tourist destination with us. Xunantunich Stela Plaza In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Belize main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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