Altun Ha In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Altun Ha is an ancient Mayan archeological site located in Belize, located on the Caribbean coast at the entrance to the former Bay of Bacalar. Altun Ha is one of the best-known Maya ruins in the country, and it boaststhe largest carved jade piece ever discovered in the Maya region. It is believed that the site played a key role in trading with other Mesoamerican cultures, primarily for jade and other precious stones. The site dates from the Late and Terminal Classic periods, ranging from 250 to 900 CE. Enjoy exploring the two plazas, three stepped pyramid temples and several associated structures located around the two plazas. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belize
Prominent Features:

1. The Temple of the Masonry Altars: This restored temple is believed to have served as a temple for the gods of the ancient Maya civilization. It features two six-meter tall stelae (tall slabs of stone) with life-sized sculptures carved into them as decorations. The stelae are surrounded by a stucco altar plastered with images of gods and linked by causeways. 2. The Temple of the Green Tomb: This temple, located at the highest elevation of the site, is believed to have been used for religious ceremonies. It contains a large tomb filled with pottery and jade artifacts, including a famous two-ton jade head mask. 3. The Plaza of the Stelae: This is an open-air court featuring a series of stelae and columns with broken stone altars and monuments. 4. Structures and Pavilions: The various structures at Altun Ha include a range of residential units, more than ten temples, and lesser monuments. Many of these structures are adorned with intricate carvings and artwork. 5. The Ball Court: This field was used for an ancient Mayan sport that involved two teams competing to shoot a specially-crafted ball through a vertical hoop. A game at the court is believed to have given the ancient Mayan people a form of entertainment as well as a way to resolve disputes peacefully. This national monument of Belize portrays the history and culture of the country.


History Altun Ha is an ancient Mayan ruin located in the northern district of Belize, roughly 25 miles (40 km) north of Belize City. It is one of Belize's most important archaeological sites, and was a major ceremonial center in the Late and Terminal Classic period (600-900 AD). The site is believed to have been abandoned in the 10th century, and was most likely not in use when the Spanish first arrived in Belize in the mid-16th century. The name “Altun Ha” is derived from the Yucatec Maya words “altun”, meaning “rock”, and “ha”, meaning “water”. It is thought that the name is in reference to a nearby freshwater lagoon. Archaeological evidence suggests that Altun Ha was first occupied sometime around 500 BC, and thrived as a major ceremonial center until around 900 AD. During its peak, the site may have had a population of over 10,000 people. Mayan kings from Belize and Guatemala were believed to have made pilgrimages to the site for political and religious ceremonies. The ruins of Altun Ha were first documented in the mid-1800s, when explorers reported seeing the ruins. The first archaeological investigation took place in the 1950s, when an archaeological team led by Dr. Thomas Gann began excavating the temple-pyramid known as “The Temple of the Masonry Altars”. During this excavation, the team was able to uncover large steles, intricate stone carvings of Mayan gods, and a large jade figure of a Mayan deity. Excavation and further research continued throughout the 1970s and 1980s, and eventually revealed a much larger picture of what the ancient Mayans at Altun Ha were like and how they lived. Archaeologists discovered a complex residential area with plazas, courtyards, and canals. They also located a central area of the site that was used for rituals and sacred ceremonies. In addition, archaeologists were able to uncover evidence of construction and maintenance of plazas, temples, ball courts, and irrigation systems. Altun Ha remained largely untouched and unexcavated until the mid-1980s, when it was declared a national park and a major tourist destination. Since then, Altun Ha has become one of Belize’s most popular attractions, drawing in thousands of visitors every year. The site offers guided tours, a museum, and educational activities. You must visit one of these historical places in Belize on your Belize tour

Interesting facts:

1. Altun Ha is the largest known Mayan site in Belize, and one of the most important archaeological sites in Central America. 2. The centre of Altun Ha is within a small limestone ridge located in the vicinity of the Belize River and occupies an area of about 500 acres. 3. The name Altun Ha is Mayan and is translated to mean "Rockstone Water". This is probably because the site was near a spring that never went dry. 4. The site occupied by the Mayans for over 1500 years and was inhabited since 250 BC up until approximately 900 AD. 5. The pyramid at Altun Ha is one of the highest Mayan temples in Belize and stands at 51 feet, making it the tallest structure in the Belize River Valley. 6. In 1965, the Temple of the Sun was excavated and the famous Green Jade Head of Kinich Ahau was discovered within the structure. The head is small, measuring only 5 inches and weighs approximately 9 lbs. 7. The head is now on display at the Belize National Museum in Belize City. 8. The peak of Altun Ha's population was around 700 AD, and the Mayan population in the area has declined steadily since then. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belize with your friends and family.

Explore Belize most popular tourist destination with us. Altun Ha In Belize: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Belize main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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