Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary, Vitebsk In Belarus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary, Vitebsk, is a Catholic cathedral located in the city of Vitebsk, Belarus. It is the oldest Catholic church in the region and the largest structure standing in the city. The church was first established as a wooden structure in 1588, and has since gone through several restorations and renovations, making it one of the city’s oldest and most symbolic historical monuments. It is known as a major landmark in the city and is also part of the Vitebsk Cultural Park. The cathedral features an impressive Baroque architecture both from the outside and inside and is an important example of the fine work of Catholic art and religious architecture in the region. It also holds a rich collection of church relics, including a relic from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which was brought to the church in 1749. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Belarus
Prominent Features:

1. Iconostasis - One of the most impressive features of the Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary is its magnificent iconostasis. This 8th-century architectural masterpiece is made up of 16 columns and 18 icons. It is the only surviving original iconostasis in Belarus and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2. Frescoes - One of the highlights of the Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary is its spectacularly painted 11th-century frescoes. The vivid colors and intricate designs on the interior walls capture the beauty of the Belarusian culture. 3. Tower - The prominent tower of the Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary is the last surviving Gothic tower in Belarus. Its unique square-shaped design stands prominently visible from the city center. 4. Sluice Gates - One of the most interesting features of the Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary is the majestic and imposing sluice gates. These iron gates were first erected in the 17th century and were historically used to control the water level in the Dvina River. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Belarus.


The Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary, located in the city of Vitebsk, Belarus, dates back to 1021 when it is believed to have been built by the first Prince of Polotsk. The original cathedral was destroyed by the Tatars but was later rebuilt in 1155. This was a fortified structure that was built with a main church and two towers. In the early 16th century, the cathedral underwent major renovations. The towers were rebuilt and a sacristy was added. During the 17th century, additional upgrades were done to the building, including the addition of an open porch, a beautiful ornate fence, and a bell tower. In the 19th century, a large dome was added to the building. In 1942, during World War II, the cathedral was destroyed by the Germans, but rebuilt in 1951. Since then, the building has undergone additional renovations to keep it in good condition. It was granted status as a monument of history and culture in 1976. In 2009, the Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary was honored with the “Honorary Citizen of Vitebsk” award for its role in the development of the city. Today, the cathedral remains an important landmark in the city of Vitebsk. Visit one of the famous monuments of Belarus with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Cathedral of the Virgin of the Seven Sorrows, popularly known as the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, is the largest church in Vitebsk, Belarus. 2. The construction of the temple began in 1773 and ended in 1814; it is a neoclassical building with the characteristic Byzantine style of the Russian Orthodox Church. 3. The interior of the church follows the traditional design of the 18th century, with richly decorated and brightly colored frescoes. 4. The Cathedral of the Virgin Mary is considered one of the main attractions of the city and is often included in tourist tours. 5. The cathedral was completely destroyed during World War II, but the locals managed to restore it with the help of funds raised by individuals and organizations, and it remains an important part of the city as a symbol of its resilience. One of the historical monuments of Belarus, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Belarus most popular tourist destination with us. Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary, Vitebsk In Belarus: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Belarus main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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