Arad Fort, Muharraq In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Arad Fort is a ruined fort located in the city of Muharraq in Bahrain. The fort is thought to have been built in the 16th century, however its exact origin is not known. The fort underwent several renovations over time and its structure changed several times as well. It was used as a defensive fort until the 19th century, when it fell into disuse. The fort has been restored and is now open to the public and houses a museum. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bahrain
Prominent Features:

Arad Fort, located in Muharraq, Bahrain, is one of the oldest fortifications in the region. The site is a fine example of military architecture from the days when Bahrain was a centre for pearl trading and maritime activities. The original fortress was destroyed by a British bombardment in the early 19th century, and the ruins have been occupied by a local family since the 1970s. The fort is a rectangular structure with four round towers at the corners, and many small observation points around the outer walls. The interior contains a mosque, stables, store rooms, a water cistern, and barracks. The fort is a popular tourist attraction in Bahrain. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bahrain.


The Arad Fort is a dilapidated stone fortress located on the island of Muharraq, in Bahrain. It was constructed in the 17th century, during the reign of Muhammed bin Khalifa Al Kabeer, a tribal ruler of the region. He is thought to have built the fort for defensive purposes, although its exact purpose and use are unknown. The fort is situated on a small hill close to the seashore, and is surrounded by a natural moat made of saltwater and coral. The walls are rectangular in shape and are constructed with coral and mortar, while the interior is divided into two parts – the upper level was designed as a barracks, while the lower level served as a storeroom. The fort underwent extensive restoration work in the 1980s and was opened to the public in 1988. The fort is now a popular tourist destination and is home to a museum which houses several artifacts found on the island, some of which date back to the pre-Islamic era. The fort is also the location of the popular Muharraq Festival, a celebration involving traditional cultural activities and events such as Bedouin dances, fireworks displays and music performances. The Fort was placed on the Tentative List for possible inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2017, along with other historical monuments located in Bahrain. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bahrain with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Arad Fort is a stone fort located in Muharraq, Bahrain and is one of the most recognizable landmarks of the area. 2. Built in the late 18th century, the fort was used as a fortification against pirates and other invading forces. 3. The fort is now a museum and is home to some of the area’s oldest artifacts, such as pottery, jewelry, and other artifacts. 4. Since it was rebuilt in the 1950s, it has become a popular venue for major events such as concerts and festivals. 5. The fort is part of a unique UNESCO World Heritage Site, inclusive of Muharraq Island and three other Bahraini sites. 6. It is believed that Arad Fort was built on the site of an earlier Portuguese fort. 7. The fort is rectangular in shape and has two main turrets that are positioned at the northwest and southeast corners of the fort. 8. Inside the fort, there is a maze-like layout of passages and corridors, with small windows that allow for ventilation and natural light. 9. The fort has undergone various renovations throughout the years and is now listed as a protected building. 10. The interior of the fort has been refurbished to show off the cultural heritage of Muharraq and Bahrain. One of the historical monuments of Bahrain, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Bahrain most popular tourist destination with us. Arad Fort, Muharraq In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Bahrain main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Muharraq Bahrain

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