Al Dar Islands, Sitra In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Al Dar Islands is a set of islands located in the Kingdom of Bahrain, off the northern shore of the island of Sitra. The islands consist of two main islands; Hawar and Durrat, as well as a number of smaller islets. The islands are a popular destination for visitors to Bahrain, offering a range of activities such as swimming, snorkeling and fishing, as well as beautiful beaches, rentable beach villas, outdoor activities, and luxurious resorts. There are also a range of restaurants and shops available, making it a great place to spend a day or two exploring the local culture and activities. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bahrain
Prominent Features:

1. White sand beaches and crystal clear ocean waters: The Al Dar Islands are renowned for their pristine white sand beaches and crystal clear ocean waters, making them perfect for swimming, kayaking, and fishing. 2. Abundant marine life: The waters off of the Al Dar Islands are home to a large variety of marine life, including sea turtles, crabs, and a variety of fish species. 3. Amazing coral reefs: The coral reefs surrounding the islands provide an amazing array of vivid colors and underwater sights. 4. Marine species conservation: The Al Dar Islands are home to a variety of marine species conservation projects, aimed at preserving some of Bahrain’s most endangered species. 5. Historic sites: The islands are also home to some historic sites, including an ancient watchtower, a fort, and other archaeological remains. 6. Beachfront activities: Visitors to the Al Dar Islands can take part in a variety of beachfront activities, such as volleyball, kite surfing, and beach football. 7. Cultural activities: The islands are also home to a range of cultural activities, from fish barbecues to boat races. 8. Delicious cuisine: Visitors to the Al Dar Islands can indulge in some of the island's local delicacies, including grilled seafood and traditional Bahraini dishes. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Bahrain.


The Al Dar Islands located in Sitra, Bahrain are a cluster of about 20 tiny islands in the Arabian Gulf off the eastern coast of Bahrain. The largest island of the group, named Hawar Island, measures approximately three kilometers in length and is the only one that is inhabited. The area has been a popular fishing spot since ancient times and is also well known for its large bird colony. The Al Dar Islands have a long and fascinating history. The islands are believed to have been inhabited by the ancient Dilmun culture, and some pottery dating to the Bronze Age (1800-1000 BC) has been found. Later on, the region was conquered by the Assyrians in the 8th century BC, and by the Persians in 575 BC. During the Hellenistic era, the rulers of the Persian Empire designed a large area in this region to be used for a temple complex. In more recent times, the Al Dar Islands became an important trading hub in the 19th century, when Bahrain became an important center for pearling and trading. However, the islands only gained in importance after Bahrain began to develop its oil industry in the early 20th century. Since then, the islands have been used as a recreation area, and many hotels and resorts have been built on some of them. The Al Dar Islands were also used as a launching site for the first space satellite of the Arab world, which was sent into space in 2000. The islands are now an important tourist destination for the locals and visitors from all over the world can enjoy their spectacular views and tranquil atmosphere. Visit one of the famous monuments of Bahrain with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Al Dar Islands are made up of five islands located in Sitra, Bahrain. 2. Al Dar Island is known for its crystal-clear blue waters, picturesque white-sand beaches and exceptional marine life. 3. The four main islands of Al Dar are connected to each other by a bridge and are accessible by boat. 4. Al Dar Island is home to many species of seabirds such as the Greater Crested Tern and Brown Booby. 5. The main attractions on Al Dar include kayaking, swimming, snorkeling, and fishing. 6. Al Dar is a protected marine park, as it is home to 37 species of fish, 5 species of sea turtles and 4 species of dolphins. 7. The shallow waters around Al Dar make it a great spot for swimming, snorkelling and diving. 8. The islands are frequently visited by visitors from all over the region for snorkelling, picnics, and swimming in the crystal-clear waters. 9. Al Dar is also known for its as historic monuments and ruins, such as the ancient mosque, the Ayat Al Dar Tower and the Bastion of Miriam. 10. Al Dar is one of the top beaches in Bahrain and a must-visit destination for all visitors. One of the historical monuments of Bahrain, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Bahrain most popular tourist destination with us. Al Dar Islands, Sitra In Bahrain: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Bahrain main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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