Birine Mosque In Algeria: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information

Brief History:

Birine Mosque is located in the city of Birine in eastern Algeria. It is one of the oldest and most important Islamic sites in the country. The mosque was built during the reign of the Ottoman Empire during the 18th century. It is said to be a major center of Islamic learning during an important period in Algerian history. The mosque is also notable for its magnificent architecture. The structure is made up of three stories, with four domes, two tall minarets and an impressive courtyard with an intricate pattern of tiles. The mosque is also known for its intricate woodwork and calligraphy, which makes it a popular site for tourists visiting Algeria. It is one of the most famous mosque in Algeria which you must visit.


The Birine Mosque is a popular Islamic mosque located in the municipality of Bougara, outskirts of Algiers in Algeria. It was built in 1367 and is an assumed reconstruction of an alternative mosque on the same location. The mosque consists of a mihrab, minaret and main prayer hall. It features traditional Islamic architecture, with an inner courtyard and a raised platform for prayer. Its façade is decorated with traditional Islamic patterns, geometric shapes, and Koranic inscriptions. The mosque also features a marble mihrab, which is highly regarded for its ornate detailing and geometric Kufic inscriptions. The mosque also features a traditional minaret, along with an additional two levels of smaller stair-case minarets. This is why, it is considered one of the most beautiful mosque in the world.

Visiting Hours:

The Birine Mosque in Algeria is usually open from a half an hour before sunrise until sunset. Hours may vary on Fridays. Visitors should dress appropriately and respect the laws and customs of the mosque.
best mosque in the world.

Travel Information:

The Birine Mosque is a historical mosque located in Mascara, Algeria. It was built in 1645 by Ahmed Bin Edris. It is one of the oldest mosques still standing in Algeria. The mosque is open to the public with free admission. It features a garden, several prayer chambers, and a mihrab which is a focal point of prayer direction. The site is managed by the Sheikh Ahmed Tijani el-Harras, a local religious leader. Visitors should wear appropriate attire, avoid taking pictures, and respect the rules of politeness within the site. The closest airport to the mosque is Mascara International Airport. Visitors can then hire a taxi or a bus to reach the mosque.
beautiful masjid.

Explore Algeria most popular tourist destination with us. Birine Mosque In Algeria: Brief History,Architecture,Visiting Hours, & Travel Information,which is 0 km away from Algeria main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Algiers Algeria

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