Kisha e Re, Tirana In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Kisha e Re Tirana is an Albanian Orthodox Church located in Tirana, Albania. It features prominently in the capital's skyline and its iconography is readily recognizable in the city. The Church was built in 1930 and consecrated in 1941, and is the Cathedral of the Albanian Orthodox Church. It stands at a height of 50 metres and has four domes and a Cross. It was built in the Eclectic style, a combination of elements from several different historic styles, and is a landmark for the capital city. Inside the Church there are many icons and frescoes representing the Orthodox tradition and faith. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Albania
Prominent Features:

1. National Theatre of Opera and Ballet: This grand theatre is Tirana’s most beloved cultural landmark, built in the early 20th century and boasting an impressive silvery white Neoclassical exterior. It is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in Tirana and hosts a vibrant annual program of performances, including plays, opera, ballet, and traditional concerts. 2. The Great Park and Lake: Make time for a stroll around the Great Park, right in the heart of central Tirana. This area of lush grassy expanses is crossed by cobbled pathways and surrounded by picturesque lakes, which are perfect for a stroll or a spot of relaxation. 3. Museum of National History: Given Tirana’s significant history, it’s no surprise that this well-known museum is a must-see attraction. Spread across 16,000sqm (172,222sqft), it houses an immense collection of artefacts and historical displays, covering, among others, the Illyrian and Albanian people, Ottoman rule, and Communist oppressions. 4. Et' Hem Mosque: One of the oldest monuments in Tirana, this mosque was built by an Ottoman ruler in the 16th century and boasts elegant green-tiled domes and one of the city’s oldest minarets. Today, it stands proudly in the centre of Tirana and serves as a reminder of the capital’s Ottoman past. 5. Pedestrianised Boulevard: Explore Tirana’s southern centre by strolling along one of its main attractions: the pedestrianised boulevard. Starting from the Ministries building, the promenade winds its way 2.5km (1.6mi) south towards Skanderbeg Square, crossing many public parks and plazas. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Albania.


Kisha e Re, also known as the Church of Resurrection, is a church in Tirana, Albania. It is located in the center of the city and it was built between 1925-1937 under the supervision of two Italian architects, Gherardo Bosio and Armando Bernabiti. It is an important cultural and religious monument in the capital of Albania and it is one of the biggest churches in Albania. The church was started under the orders of King Zog I of Albania and it was authorized by a law of Ali Bey Vrioni, the Prime Minister at the time. It was initially dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but the project was expanded to include a dedication to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In 1940, when the Italian army invaded Albania, the Church of Resurrection was used as their headquarters and in 1943, when German troops occupied Albania, they used it as their barracks. In 1944, after the return of Albanian forces, the church served as a place of worship for the Albanian Orthodox Church. After the fall of communism in the early 1990s, the church was renovated and became a place of worship for both Catholic and Orthodox congregations. Today, the church is visited by both Albanians and tourists alike and it is a popular destination for those looking to explore the diverse religious and cultural traditions of Albania. Visit one of the famous monuments of Albania with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Kisha e Re (The New Church) is an Eastern Orthodox Church located in Tirana, Albania. 2. The church was built between 1937 and 1938 in the national neoclassical style, by the Italian architect Giulio Berte. 3. The building is one of the most iconic landmarks in Tirana, as it is one of the first major buildings to be constructed there after Tirana’s foundation in 1614. 4. Its dome is 43 meters high, and is visible from many parts of the city. 5. Kisha e Re has been listed in the Cultural Heritage List of Albania since 1987. 6. The church is home to the recently formed Albanian Orthodox Autocephalous Church which was founded in 1922. One of the historical monuments of Albania, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Albania most popular tourist destination with us. Kisha e Re, Tirana In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Albania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Tirana Albania

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