Gjirokastër Mosque, Gjirokastër In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Gjirokastër Mosque, Gjirokastër In Albania is a 16th-century historic site and one of the most beautiful religious monuments in the city of Gjirokastër, Albania. Constructed during the Ottoman period in 1537, the mosque stands as a testament to the rich cultural and architectural heritage of the Albanian people. The mosque features a picturesque courtyard, a graceful minaret, and a covered mihrab, which is an indication of its importance in religious life within the city. The interior of the mosque features several unique Islamic architectural elements as well. Gjirokastër Mosque, Gjirokaster in Albania stands as one of the premier examples of Ottoman-era Islamic architecture within the entire country. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Albania
Prominent Features:

The Gjirokastër Mosque is one of the most famous and beautiful landmarks of Gjirokastër, located in the center of the city in the old bazaar. This much-famed mosque was built by wealthy merchants in 1661 and restored several times since then. The mosque is made up of three parts, the front part (where the entrance is) is the oldest and consists of a semicircular porch, the second part is the prayer hall with its imposing dome, and the third is a porch at the back towards the yard. The entrance is decorated with Ottoman and Albanian ornaments while the walls are made out of squared stone. The mosque is surmounted by a beautiful dome in the traditional Ottoman style and is a wonder of architecture. It is a popular destination for local and foreign tourists and provides a wonderful insight into the culture and history of the city. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Albania.


Gjirokastër Mosque is a large mosque in the city of Gjirokastër, Albania. It was built in 1618 and is the largest Ottoman-era mosque in the country. It is considered one of the most important Islamic monuments in Albania. The mosque has a square minaret, with a dome-covered roof, and consists of two main sections: a prayer hall and a large courtyard. The mosque has an extensive inscripted decoration on its sufas and the walls of the prayer hall depict the 99 Muslim names of Allah. The main prayer hall has a capacity of 1,000 people and the entire building complex has a total of 60 rooms. The mosque is open to all visitors and is also used for religious and cultural purposes, including lectures and study sessions. The Gjirokastër Mosque is believed to have been built by Muhmin bej Gjoni, an Ottoman governor of the area, in the early 17th century. Muhmin bej Gjoni was of Albanian origin, and the mosque he constructed in 1618 is a tribute to his commitment to the Islamic faith. The mosque has been rebuilt and restored numerous times, and has been completely renovated twice in the 21st century. The building is part of the Gjirokastër Castle Museum, which was founded in 1968 and includes artifacts from the city's lengthy Ottoman rule. The Gjirokastër Mosque has since become a symbol of the city, representing its Islamic, cultural, and historical identity. The Gjirokastër Mosque is a popular tourist destination and is often visited by both religious and non-religious visitors. Its beautiful architecture and historical significance make it a great place to learn about the city's cultural heritage. Additionally, its prayer hall is regularly filled with believers coming to pay their respects and pray. Visitors can also admire the elegant Ottoman-era paintings and calligraphy that can be found on its walls. The mosque remains an important part of Albanian life, and continues to bring people of various backgrounds and religions together in prayer and appreciation for its rich cultural history. With its impressive architecture and inspiring history, the Gjirokastër Mosque is sure to remain a beloved and cherished landmark in the community for generations to come. Visit one of the famous monuments of Albania with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Gjirokastër Mosque is one of the oldest Islamic monuments in Albania, and was built in the late 16th century. 2. The mosque was built by Sulejman Celebi, an Ottoman Sufi who served as a pasha in the area. 3. It is one of the few Ottoman-era monuments in Gjirokastër that has remained largely intact; many of the other monuments were destroyed during the Albanian National Awakening of the late 19th century. 4. The mosque was named for a local 16th-century Sufi master known as the “Sheikh of Gjirokastër”. 5. The mosque is still in use today, and is a symbol of peaceful coexistence between Albania’s two dominant religions, Islam and Christianity. One of the historical monuments of Albania, it tells the story of a bygone era

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