Krujë Castle, Krujë In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Krujë Castle or “Kalaja e Krujës” is a historic castle located in the town of Krujë, in the Krujë Municipality in Shkodër County in the north of Albania. It is the most significant historical monument in the country. The castle was mainly built during the 13th and 14th centuries and was used as a defensive fortification against the Turks. It currently serves as a museum and a cultural center. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Albania
Prominent Features:

1. Located at the entrance of Krujë valley in Albania, the Krujë Castle is a ruinous fortress, strategically situated atop a rocky hill. 2. It was initially a stronghold of the Illyrians and Romans and later occupied by the Bulgarians and Ottomans. 3. The castle is renowned for its defensive system of walls and watchtowers, which are connected with pointed archways. 4. The castle is noted for its museum which showcases a variety of archaeological artifacts, medieval weapons, and historical replicas related to the Albanian resistance against the Ottomans. 5. It also features a post office, café, and a library that affords spectacular views from the top of the castle. 6. Part of the castle's ramparts, known as the Vylazna Tower, dates back to the 4th century B.C., making it one of the oldest fortified sites in Albania. 7. The castle's interior consists of three large courtyards and several chambers and a throne room. 8. Visitors can ascend the many levels to the top for stunning views of the surrounding valleys. 9. The Krujë Castle also has significant religious and political importance in Albania - Skanderbeg Square is located right outside the castle, and the Church of Saint Nicholas is located inside the castle walls. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Albania.


Krujë Castle, which is located in Krujë in Albania, is a fortified complex that has a tumultuous and long history. It was most likely first built in the 5th century AD by the Illyrians. The area was ruled by a succession of rulers until the 12th century when it was taken over by the first Albanian ruler, the Ardian dynasty. The castle was continually expanded and defended for the next two centuries and by the 15th century, it had become a major fortress. In 1443, the Ottomans under the Sultan Murad II besieged the castle and took control of it. They held it for the next five centuries, using it as a major military base for their conquest of the region. The castle was rebuilt during this time, often strengthened and improved. However, due to its strategic location and the nature of war, it was continually damaged, destroyed, and rebuilt. In 1912, Albanian revolutionaries led by Ismail Qemali took control of the castle and the Krujë region. After a long battle, they successfully managed to hold the city until 1913, when the Ottomans finally regained control. But in 1920, during the Albania's liberation war with the Ottomans, the castle and Krujë were again liberated. Today, Krujë Castle is maintained as a national historical monument by the Albanian Institute of Monuments and simultaneously as a tourist attraction. It also serves as a symbol of national identity and pride for Albanians. The castle covers an area of 11 acres and is noted for its two-story fortress walls, towers, bastions, walls, gates, inner and outer courtyard, tunnels, and archaeological remains. In 2018, Krujë Castle was inscribed as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Historic Centres of Berat and Gjirokastra. This is due to its importance in Albanian history and culture. Visit one of the famous monuments of Albania with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Krujë Castle is the most significant fortification in Albania. 2. The castle has been continuously inhabited since the 4th century BC. 3. The castle is made up of three fortified complexes, the Upper Fortress, the Middle Fortress, and the Lower Fortress. 4. One of the most important artifacts in the castle is Skanderbeg's Helmet, a gift from Sultan Mehmet II in 1467, which is believed to have been worn by Skanderbeg himself. 5. The castle was the headquarters of Skanderbeg, who used the castle as a base for coordinating his guerrilla warfare against the Ottoman Empire. 6. In 1600, the castle was the site of a fierce battle between Albanian defender Muzaka and the Ottoman Empire's forces, led by Sultan Murad III. 7. Krujë Castle was badly damaged by an earthquake in 1926, and much of the outer walls were destroyed. 8. In 2007, the reconstruction of the castle was completed, returning much of the fortress to its original state. One of the historical monuments of Albania, it tells the story of a bygone era

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