Byllis Archaeological Park, Mallakastër In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is located in the Farkë area of Mallakastër, Byllis archaeological park consists of two components: the ancient city of Byllis, which is believed to date back to the 6th century BC, and an early Christian basilica that was built in the 5th-6th century AD. It is believed to be the most important archaeological park in Albania. The archaeological site of Byllis is the largest known in the country, with a size of 60 hectares, and includes fortified walls, several structures, a necropolis, a residential area, and a Roman road. The early Christian basilica is believed to have been built in the 5th or 6th century AD and is one of the earliest examples of Christian places of worship in Albania. The ruins of Byllis are a great example of the rich history of Albanian culture and communities, and this important archaeological site is a valuable resource for understanding the development of Albanian culture throughout its history. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Albania
Prominent Features:

The Byllis Archaeological Park, Mallakastër is a significant archaeological site in Albania and dates back to the Hellenistic Period of the ancient world. It covers an area of approximately 12 acres and is located near the town of Mallakastër in southwestern Albania. The archaeological park is filled with Hellenistic and Roman ruins, which have been preserved by the Albanian government since the establishment of the Byllis Park in 1992. The site consists of a series of terraced walls and platforms, a citadel, a stone pillared portico, the remains of a building, and two burial grounds. There is also evidence of a two subsequent, smaller additions to the site during the Late Roman and Byzantine Periods. The most prominent feature of the Byllis Archaeological Park is the citadel. It was created using a series of terraced walls and platforms, which are essentially the remains of a former town. The citadel is the largest but not the only ruins site at the site. Along with the citadel, there is also evidence of an ancient forum, a theatre complex, several sanctuaries and a number of public buildings, such as the public baths and the temple of Dionysios. The ruins of the Byllis site are a representation of Hellenistic and Roman culture, art, and architecture. The site is one of the most significant archaeological sites in Albania and it is a popular tourist attraction in the region. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Albania.


The Byllis Archaeological Park in Mallakastra, Albania is a well-preserved Roman ruin that dates back to the 2nd century BC. The park covers a 4 hectares area and contains a fortified Roman military camp, which is one of the largest Roman fortifications in the country. The site was found in 1934 during an excavation that was conducted by local villagers. The area was then declared as an archaeological park in 1964 by the Albanian government. The park holds many impressive artifacts and Roman remains including a large number of military installations and buildings. The most notable feature is the defensive wall that surrounds the park, which has four large gates and 15 watchtowers. Other features include a large gate which was the main entrance to the camp, barracks, guard houses and water reservoirs. The area was once an important part of the Roman Empire, as it served as a military center which was used to protect the villages and surrounding areas from potential invaders. Today, the Byllis Archaeological Park is one of the important legacies of the ancient Roman Empire and is a popular destination for tourists and archaeologists to visit. Visit one of the famous monuments of Albania with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Byllis Archaeological Park is a sprawling archaeological site located in the town of Mallakastër, Albania. 2. The site covers an area of roughly 300 square kilometers, making it one of the largest modern archaeological sites in Albania. 3. The site dates back to the early Bronze Age, around 3000 B.C. 4. It is estimated that at least four different cities have been constructed and inhabited by humans at this location throughout history. 5. A number of artifacts have been excavated from the site, such as pottery, coins, sculptures, weapons, and jewelry. 6. The ruins of Byllis contain the remains of a massive fortress, which has been dated to as early as the 7th century B.C. 7. The fortified walls of the site enclose an area of over 970 meters across. 8. Byllis was once an important stronghold, serving as a fortified city during the time of Alexander the Great. 9. The site is also famous for its many mosaics, depicting scenes from Greek and Roman mythology. 10. Byllis is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in recognition of its archaeological and cultural significance. One of the historical monuments of Albania, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Albania most popular tourist destination with us. Byllis Archaeological Park, Mallakastër In Albania: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Albania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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