Arg-e-Shahr, Herat In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Arg-e-Shahr is a historical fortress located in the city of Herat in western Afghanistan, near the border with Iran. It was built in the 330s AD by the Sassanid Emperor Shapur II, and is one of the oldest fortresses in the region. The site is known for its architectural innovations, and incorporates elements of both Persian and Indian design. The fortress currently serves as a museum, and contains a host of historical artifacts, both large and small. Visitors to the site can explore the many walls, towers, gates and ornamental gardens. Along with providing a historic overview of Herat, Arg-e-Shahr also offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

1. Historical Citadel: This citadel is one of the oldest in the world, being built in the 11th century, and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also one of the most important remaining monuments of Herat. 2. Minarets: There are fifteen minarets in and around Arg-e-Shahr, all of which are decorated with ornamental brickwork. 3. Mosques: There are three main mosques in the area: Masj(z)id-e Jami', Babai Masj(z)id and Reza Masj(z)id. All of these mosques feature vast courtyards and intricate tilework and minarets. 4. Caravanserais: Caravanserais are traditional roadside inns used by travelers and merchants. Arg-e-Shahr has three: Shah-e Zenda, Lab-e Darvish and Bazar Jami'. All of these contain amazing tilework and faience designs. 5. Public Gardens: The area also features several public parks, the most important of which being Arg-e Park which is one of the most beautiful in all of Herat. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


The history of the city of Arg-e-Shahr, located in the western part of the Afghan province of Herat, dates back several millennia. The earliest known settlement in the region dates to the Achaemenid period, around 500 BCE, when it was known as Rhaga. The city is also believed to have been a major Buddhist center in the third century CE. In the 8th century, the city came under the control of the Saffarid dynasty of Persia and was renamed Ardashir Khurrah. It remained a major regional center until the 12th century, at which point the Ghurids invaded and destroyed it. The city was largely abandoned and went into decline. By the 15th century, the Timurids had taken control of the area and during the 16th century, it was annexed by the Safavids. The city experienced a period of great prosperity and development under the rule of Persian Emperor Shah Abbas the Great, who built a fortress and palace complex. In the 19th century, it was captured by the Afghan ruler Dost Mohammed and much of the existing fortifications were either destroyed or neglected. Throughout the 1800s, Arg-e-Shahr went through a process of westernization in both architecture and lifestyle, and developed to become one of the most important cities in the region. Following Afghanistan’s independence from the British in 1919, the city became a center of cultural activities and a destination for politicians, statesmen, and poets. Today, Arg-e-Shahr is known for its rich history, natural beauty, and vibrant culture. It is one of the leading tourist attractions in Herat province and is home to several monuments, museums, and ancient ruins. The city also has a rich archaeological heritage, with a number of ancient monuments and ruins. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. Arg-e-Shahr (the City of Kings) is located in the western province of Herat, Afghanistan. 2. The Arg-e-Shahr dates back to the pre-Islamic era, with archaeological evidence indicating it was inhabited in 330 BC. 3. It was at the center of the Kushan Empire and later served as a major hub of the Safavid and Mughal empires in the 16th and 17th centuries. 4. It stands out for its archaeological ruins, mosque architecture, and citadels that rise up to fifty metres in height. 5. During the Taliban’s rule, the city was severely damaged and over 5,000 buildings were destroyed. 6. Locals believe that there is an underground city beneath the Arg-e-Shahr, built by Genghis Khan. 7. The Arg-e-Shahr is also home to the Afghan National Museum and the Masjid-e-Khwaja, one of the most famous mosques in the country. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Arg-e-Shahr, Herat In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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