Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan, Bamiyan In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan is a large and complex historical site located in the remote Afghan province of Bamiyan. This archaeological wonder dates back to the 11th century, when it was used as an important site for Sunni Muslims. The Mausoleum is made up of three distinct structures: a large mausoleum, a smaller mausoleum within it and a large rectangular hall. Ornate stonework and carvings, as well as striking decor and inscriptions, can be seen throughout the complex. The mausoleum is considered to be one of Afghanistan's most magnificent, and was protected as a World Heritage site in 2003. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

1. Documented as the largest artificial cut-rock structure in the world, the Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, is an ancient monument constructed between the 1st and 5th centuries CE. 2. The mausoleum is thought to be a Zoroastrian shrine and is estimated to be 100 metres in height and width, and consists of three distinct floors. 3. Adding to its unique nature is the fact that the Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan is constructed entirely from rock - there is no mortar or cement used to hold it together. 4. Its structure is quite unique - there are no arches, vaults, or other features typically found in mausoleums of its age. 5. The monument is decorated with motifs of animals, such as griffin, lion and deer, as well as geometric and plant designs which display a fusion of Gandharan and Hellenistic styles. 6. Most recently, the Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan was damaged in the 2001 Afghan War, when a Taliban tank blasted away a portion of its walls. 7. Nevertheless, the mausoleum still stands as a testament to the immense historical and cultural heart of Bamiyan and remains a reminder of Afghanistan's once vibrant past. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


The Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan, also known as Chakhai-i-Pir Rasool, is a religious monument located in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan. It is believed to have been built in the 12th century, and is one of the oldest standing structures in the region. This structure is known for its religious symbolism and its spiritual and political significance to the Afghan people. The mausoleum was built in honor of Pir Sayyid Roshan, an Indian Sufi from the Chishti order. He is believed to have arrived in Afghanistan around 1120 and is considered to be among the earliest organized Sufi movements in the area. His tomb is located in a small village near Bamyan and the structure standing today is believed to have been built sometime in the 12th century, although no exact date is known. The mausoleum is in the shape of a cube and is built of unfired mud bricks. It has a flat wooden cupola on top and the inner walls are painted and decorated with various depictions of the afterlife. It is believed to contain the remains of Pir Roshan and provide protection for his disciples. The mausoleum has attracted numerous visitors over the years, including a number of rulers from the region's past, such as Taimur Beg and Nadir Shah. Its historical, cultural, and spiritual significance have attracted significant attention from experts and travelers alike. The mausoleum stands as a reminder of the region's long and tumultuous history, and of the religious and cultural influence of Sufi movements. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan is an ancient structure located in the Bamiyan Valley of Afghanistan. 2. It was built in the 11th century to honor a mausoleum of a holy man, Pir-i Roshan, at a juncture of the Hanai and Borak rivers. 3. The mausoleum is made of mud brick and rectangular shaped. 4. It was partially destroyed during the wars in Afghanistan in the last two decades. 5. The original entrance to the mausoleum and surrounding courtyard was protected by a circular tower approximately 10 meters in height. 6. At the center of the monument is a shrine that consists of an altar and chamber accessible by stairs from the ground level. 7. The mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan is considered to be a symbol of peaceful co-existence among different faiths and ethnicity in Afghanistan. 8. It has attracted pilgrims from various ethno-religious backgrounds such as Tajiks, Hazaras, and Aimaqs. 9. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared the Mausoleum of Pir-i Roshan a World Heritage Site in 2003. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

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