Mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi, Balkh In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is a historic mausoleum located in Balkh, Afghanistan. It is said to be the burial site of Rabia Balkhi (d. 869 AD), one of the most revered Persian mystics and female poets. This mausoleum is said to have been built by Sultan Mahmud II of Ghazni and stands as a reminder of her powerful legacy and her profound beliefs. The mausoleum is also known as the Queen of Poets Mausoleum and is considered a sacred site by many Muslims. Women are said to be especially drawn to Rabia Balkhi’s legacy. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Afghanistan
Prominent Features:

The mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is a centuries-old monument located in the city of Balkh in Afghanistan. Rabia Balkhi was a Sufi poet of the 12th century AD, also known as Rabia Balkhi-i-Balkh. The mausoleum is a dome-shaped building made of mud bricks and was built approximately seven hundred years ago. It stands at a height of 8 meters tall and is decorated with scenes and verses from Quran on its walls. It is an important site for both pilgrims and tourists alike. The mausoleum is believed to have held the remains of Rabia Balkhi herself and as such, it is the only site associated with her in Afghanistan. The mausoleum is considered to be a symbol of Afghanistan’s rich cultural heritage and has been protected by the government since its rediscovery in 1973. The remains of the mausoleum have been restored and maintained to the best of their capacity. It is also home to a museum that contains artifacts from the Rabia Balkhi era. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Afghanistan.


The Mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is located in Balkh, in northern Afghanistan. It is believed to be the burial site of Rabia Balkhi, also known as Rabi’a, a famous female poet from the 12th century. The mausoleum is more than 700 years old, and it is one of the oldest Islamic monuments in Afghanistan. It was originally built in the 12th century, during the rule of the Turkic Ghaznavid dynasty. The mausoleum was destroyed in 1220 during the Mongol invasion, and its original dome was lost. During the 19th century, the mausoleum was rebuilt and renovated by Amir Sher Ali Khan of the Uzbek Barakzai dynasty. The mausoleum consists of a domed building with a square base and a terrace, which leads down to Rabia's grave. The interior is decorated with red and blue tiles and Islamic inscriptions. A metal window frames a door which leads to the burial chamber below. The mausoleum stands within a spacious garden and houses a mosque. The Mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is a popular pilgrimage site and place of worship for the local population. It is also a major tourist attraction and a source of pride for the people of Balkh, who consider the mausoleum to be one of the greatest achievements of their culture and civilization. In 2020, the mausoleum was damaged in an earthquake and was in dire need of repair and restoration. Several international organizations, including the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, are assisting the local Afghan government with the restoration and conservation of the mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi. Visit one of the famous monuments of Afghanistan with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

-The Mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is the shrine located in Balkh, Afghanistan which holds the remains of Rabia Balkhi, an Afghan poet from the 11th century A.D. -Rabia Balkhi was the first known woman poet of Afghanistan who had composed numerous poems on the love of God and Prophet Muhammad. -The mausoleum is a three-story structure constructed in white marble. The tomb and the entrance of the mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi are decorated with colorful tiles. -Rabia Balkhi was a Sufi poet and she was highly revered by the Sufis throughout the centuries. -The mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is one of the oldest monuments in Afghanistan and still remains a major tourist destination for the locals and the foreigners alike. -The mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi is visited regularly by pilgrims, who come to pay their homage to the famous poetess. -Rabia Balkhi is also known as “Mother of Poetry” in Afghanistan due to her immense contribution to the country’s literature. One of the historical monuments of Afghanistan, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Afghanistan most popular tourist destination with us. Mausoleum of Rabia Balkhi, Balkh In Afghanistan: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Afghanistan main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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