Sumela Monastery, Trabzon: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Are you curious to explore the mystery behind the beautiful Sumela Monastery? Located in the dramatic mountains of Trabzon, the monastery has been a source of urban legends and horror stories. From paranormal activities to gruesome histories, this article dives into the enigmatic stories revolving around the Sumela Monastery.

Horror Story of Sumela Monastery, Trabzon
An ancient relic known as the 'Sumela Key' is rumored to grant people access to a secret chamber beneath the Sumela Monastery in Trabzon, Turkey. Hidden within this chamber is a dark, sinister force known as the 'Demon of Sumela', a creature created by an ancient race of warriors to guard their temple and its secrets from outsiders.
For centuries, the mere mention of the Demon of Sumela caused superstitious locals to cower in fear. Few were brave enough to brave the haunted halls of the monastery and the cursed chamber beneath it. Those who did risk it almost always came back a shell of their former selves, the tale of the creature having taken its toll on their sanity.
But recently, some brave souls have started to venture into the cursed chamber beneath the Sumela Monastery again. What they find there, however, is far worse than anyone could have imagined. Lurking in the shadows of the chamber, the Demon of Sumela is an unspeakable evil that tortures and consumes all who are foolish enough to enter its domain. Those who do enter its domain and fail to escape have their souls twisted and mangled into an unholy creature that knows no mercy.
Can anyone outwit the Demon of Sumela and escape from its cursed chamber? Will the secrets of the Sumela Monastery and its mysterious relic ever be revealed or will this monstrosity remain locked away in the darkness underneath the monastery forever?One of the most haunted places in the world, this place is filled with mystery
History & Information of Sumela Monastery, Trabzon
Sumela Monastery, also known as the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, is a Greek Orthodox monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary located in the Macka district of Trabzon Province in northeastern Turkey. It is situated in the forested mountains of Pontic Mountains (also known as Kaçkar Mountains), and it was founded in the 4th century by two Athenian priests.
The monastery experienced its greatest period of prosperity from the late Byzantine period to the early Ottoman period, when it served as an important spiritual and cultural center for the Greek Orthodox Church. It was also a vital center for the exportation of Abkhazian monks and artisans to Constantinople during the Byzantine period. It served as a spiritual center during the period of the Christian pilgrims and Roman Catholic missions to this important area.
In 1916, the monastery was destroyed during the Armenian genocide and it was eventually abandoned in 1923 when the remaining Greek Orthodox population was exchanged with Muslim immigrants from the Balkans. The site remained empty until the late 1950s, when it was renovated and reopened as a tourist site.
Today, Sumela Monastery is one of Turkey's important tourist attractions. Despite its propaganda by the Turkish government, it is a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of Greece and the Byzantine Empire.
To further protect the site, Sumela Monastery was designated as a "first degree" archaeological site by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2010. This means that the site is protected by the Archaeological Sites and Monuments Protection Law and is subject to inspection and repairs by the Ministry's experts.As you step into this place, you can sense the uneasiness that further awaits your most haunted experience.
Paranomial Activity of Sumela Monastery, Trabzon
The Sumela Monastery, located in the Maşatlığa district of Trabzon, is one of the most important sites of pilgrimage in the world. The monastery, which is situated at an altitude of over 1,200 meters, is believed to have been built sometime in the 4th century AD. It was an important pilgrimage site for the Orthodox Christian faith until the period of the Ottoman Empire.
The Sumela Monastery is of great historic and cultural importance to the region and has been granted protections as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a popular destination for hikers and tourists alike, and its importance has led to the implementation of various interactive and educative activities. The Sumela Monastery’s activities include a range of interactive programs such as guided tours, religious ceremonies, art workshops and musical performances. It is also home to a wealth of traditional artifacts, including textiles, icons, and manuscripts.
In addition to educational activities, the Sumela Monastery hosts a series of cultural events including 'Potato Festival', 'Wine Festival', and 'Mela Festival'. The Potato Festival is held annually on the Sunday closest to the opening of the monastery and consists of performances from local musicians, theatrical performances, and a race to the top of the mountainside.
The Wine Festival is an annual event held on the last Sunday of September and incorporates cultural performances, traditional roasted chicken dinners, and wine tasting.
Finally, the Mela Festival is held in the last week of August each year and consists of performances from local musicians, theatre performances, and live traditional Greek dancing.
The Sumela Monastery is an active participant in the preservation of local culture, and its activities provide visitors with an authentic and memorable experience.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
Experience of people & Reviews of Sumela Monastery, Trabzon
Sumela Monastery is an incredible place to visit and experience for its history, beauty, and atmosphere. Visitors often find themselves awe-struck by the incredible carved frescoes, the views of the Black Sea, and the sheer size and grandeur of the structure. Reviews from people who have visited the monastery usually describe it as a must-see destination, with some noting its spiritual energy as particularly noteworthy. Many also note its impressive level of preservation and emphasize the importance of respecting and appreciating its historical value. Some visitors caution that the climb up the mountain is quite strenuous, and advise taking your time and being mindful of the altitude when making the trek.
FAQ'S of Sumela Monastery, Trabzon
Q. Where is Sumela Monastery located?
A. Sumela Monastery is located in the Trabzon Province of northeastern Turkey.
Q. How old is Sumela Monastery?
A. Sumela Monastery is believed to have been built by two Athenian monks in 386 AD.
Q. What is the primary religion practiced at Sumela Monastery?
A. The primary religion practiced at Sumela Monastery is Greek Orthodox Christian.
Q. What are the main attractions of Sumela Monastery?
A. The main attractions of Sumela Monastery are the stunning natural landscape, iconic frescoes, and the captivating 16th century chapel.
Q. Is there an entrance fee to visit Sumela Monastery?
A. Yes, there is an entrance fee of 15 Turkish lira (approx. US$2).This place is famous for its haunted stories and hence tops the list of the scariest places on Earth.

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