Sultanhani Caravanserai, Aksaray: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

The Sultanhani Caravanserai situated in the Aksaray province of Central Anatolia, holds a dark horror story behind its antiquity. Built in the 13th century, with an aura of strange paranormal and supernatural occurrences, the caravanserai has been a site of debate and wonder throughout its long history. This blog will analyse the events, tales and legends associated with the Sultanhani Caravanserai and take a deep dive into the history and paranormal activities at this site.

Horror Story of Sultanhani Caravanserai, Aksaray
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Once upon a time there lived a young student from Aksaray named Yusuf. He had always been fascinated with the ancient Sultanhani Caravanserai located nearby and wanted to visit it one day.
Yusuf traveled to the Caravanserai on a hot summer day. He marveled at the grand sight of it, standing so strong and proud in the desert. But what caught his eye was the huge old door that sealed the entrance of the building. He approached the door and called out if anyone were inside. But no one answered. Disappointed, Yusuf turned to leave, but as he moved to go his foot stepped on a loose stone.
A loud noise burst through the air and the door to the Caravanserai swung open. Yusuf was both shocked and intrigued by this. He cautiously stepped inside, discovering an incredible sight. It was like a palace, with marble columns, painted walls adorned with frescoes, and mysterious alcoves. As he investigated further he came across an old chamber with an ornate door. He cautiously stepped inside the chamber, and what he saw there chilled his spine.
Inside the chamber was the lifeless body of a man. He was dressed in ancient clothes and he seemed to have been in the chamber for a very long time. Yusuf was certain the man had been murdered. But as he stepped away from the body something else caught his eye. It was a strange swirling symbol etched into the wall of the chamber.
Yusuf didn't know what the symbol meant, but he felt a strange presence around him. Was this the trapped soul of the murdered man? Or was it something more sinister lurking in the shadows? As Yusuf contemplated his next move, a chilling howl echoed through the chamber. Startled, Yusuf ran for the door, and didn't look back.
He never did find out what was hidden within the Sultanhani Caravanserai. But Yusuf had a feeling that something dark and terrible lay beyond, and he vowed never to set foot in it again.
History & Information of Sultanhani Caravanserai, Aksaray
The Sultanhani Caravanserai, also called Sultanhani Sarayı in Turkish, is a 13th-century caravanserai located in the district of Aksaray, in the Turkish province of Nevşehir. Sultanhani in Turkish means “sultan palace” or “sultan's house.” The name comes from the fact that the caravanserai was built by the sultan of the Seljuk Dynasty, Alaeddin Keykubad I (1219–1235) during the period of the 1001-year-long Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate. Sultanhani is considered one of the most impressive remaining caravanserais in Turkey.
Sultanhani served as a resting place for thousands of travelers on their way to the holy city of Jerusalem and other sacred sites in the Middle East. As such, it provided both security and comfort to weary travelers. In particular, it enabled travelers to go through the steep and long incline of the Taurus Mountains, which can be dangerous in certain weather conditions.
Located approximately 200 miles away from Istanbul, the caravanserai is a two-story building surrounded by a stone wall. The main entrance to this structure was accessible through a stone arch, which still survives today. The entire building is square-shaped and consists of a courtyard, lodgings, and storage rooms. One major feature of the Sultanhani is the 4-sq-meter fountain located in the center of its courtyard, which still works to this day.
Today, the Sultanhani Caravanserai serves as a museum, exhibiting several artifacts from its past. It is also a popular destination among tourists for its historical value.
Additional Reading: place is part of the top 10 most haunted places in the world.
Paranomial Activity of Sultanhani Caravanserai, Aksaray
The Sultanhani Caravanserai was an important stop along the Silk Road in the thirteenth century. Located in the Anadolu region of Turkey, the area was an important economic and cultural hub during this period. As such, the Caravanserai saw substantial activity throughout all of its years of operation. Over time, regional merchants, foreign traders, and other travelers came to the site as a result of its strategic location and its accommodations for rest and shelter.
This activity did not go unnoticed by local rulers. The complex was eventually purchased by the Seljuk sultan Alâeddin Keykubâd I, who saw the huge potential of the Caravanserai as a strategic base for trade. He proceeded to renovate the complex in the late thirteenth century, with the construction of inns, public baths, and a soup kitchen.
In addition to this, the sultan also established a market place in the area and encouraged the development of artisan and craft workshops. This led to practical and commercial opportunities that attracted additional visitors. The Caravanserai became an important hub for cultural exchange, as traders and travelers from all corners of the world journeyed through the complex, with many of them stopping to take part in some of its activities.
Sultanhani Caravanserai was also an important center for religious activities as well. Pilgrims visited the complex to participate in spiritual events such as festivals, which were often held in conjunction with royal gatherings. Furthermore, religious scholars gathered to discuss various aspects of religious doctrine and practices, as well as to seek advice and guidance from the sultan. These activities also contributed to the commercial and social activities at the Sultanhani Caravanserai.
These activities provided the opportunity for regional and global connections and interactions. Over time, the Caravanserai served as an important economic, cultural, and religious hub that allowed for exchanges not only of goods and services but also of ideas and innovations. In this way, the Sultanhani Caravanserai played an important role in helping to create and foster a unique and thriving culture on the Silk Road.As you walk through the doors you could not help but wonder whether there are haunted places near me.
Experience of people & Reviews of Sultanhani Caravanserai, Aksaray
People’s experience of Sultanhani Caravanserai in Aksaray has generally been very positive. Many people have enjoyed the historic atmosphere and the sheer beauty of the place. Reviews mention that the staff are friendly and helpful, and they provide a great tour of the place for those who request one. The restaurant at the Caravanserai also gets rave reviews; customers appreciate the local specialties they offer, the great atmosphere and the reasonable prices.You can visit this haunted place during the daytime.
FAQ'S of Sultanhani Caravanserai, Aksaray
Q: What is Sultanhani Caravanserai?
A: Sultanhani Caravanserai is an historical caravanserai built in 1229 by Seljuk Sultan Alaaddin Keykubad I, in the Aksaray province of Turkey. It served as an important resting place and place of trade along the ancient Silk Road.
Q: What kind of services were offered in the Sultanhani Caravanserai?
A: The Sultanhani Caravanserai provided a wide variety of services to travelers, merchants, and traders from all over the world. These included inns, stables, workshops, a mosque, and a market place.
Q: What is the size of the Sultanhani Caravanserai?
A: The Sultanhani Caravanserai is 175 meters long, 70 meters wide and about 30 meters high.
Q: How do I get to the Sultanhani Caravanserai?
A: The Sultanhani Caravanserai is located in Aksaray province, near the city of Aksaray. You can reach the Caravanserai from Aksaray by car, bus or by taxi.You can visit this haunted place during the daytime.

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