Myra Rock Tombs, Antalya: Horror Story, History & Paranomial Activities

Are you a fan of horror stories, history, and paranormal activities alike? Travel to the exquisite rock tombs known as the Myra Rock Tombs located in Antalya, Turkey! From the waves of horror this site passes to all its visitors from tales of ghostly encounters to eerie stories from the pages of history; there is an unexpected element of mystery to uncover at Myra Rock Tombs.

Horror Story of Myra Rock Tombs, Antalya
, Turkey
Myra Rock Tombs holds a dark secret. Deep within its stones, lies an ancient evil that has been forgotten by time.
It is said that those who dare to enter are never the same. Those who enter are cursed with a fate worse than death. Those who have ventured within have described strange and disturbing experiences.
They tell tales of tortured screams echoing throughout the hallway, ghostly apparitions that no one can explain, and an eerie feeling of being watched by something unseen.
A handful of brave souls have delved deep within and come out alive, though they are never the same. It is rumored that those who come out alive often fall into a deep depression and lose all desire to live.
No one knows what lays beyond the Myra Rock Tombs. Those who have ventured there and returned remain understandably tight lipped about what really lies beyond.
What lies beyond is up for interpretation. But one thing is for certain, no one should enter the Myra Rock Tombs unless they plan to never return.Its architecture dates back to the 80s and is considered one of the scariest places on Earth
History & Information of Myra Rock Tombs, Antalya
The Myra Rock Tombs are an ancient necropolis located in the ancient city of Myra, which is today's Demre, located in Antalya, Turkey. This necropolis is made up of over 40 ancient tombs carved into the face of the cliff, dating from the Hellenistic period (4th century BC to the 1st century) and the Roman period (1st to 4th centuries AD).
The tombs are thought to have originally been home to the families of Lycian aristocrats. The tombs are distinctively decorated with their facades in the Greco-Roman style, featuring columns, and pediments to add a sense of grandeur. The most well-known of the Myra Rock Tombs is the Lycian sarcophagus, which is located on the highest level of the necropolis and is believed to be the tomb of a high ranking official from the late 4th century BC.
The tombs are located along an ancient road which connects the cities of Myra and Andriake and were considered a major stop during journeys in the ancient Lycian Union. The necropolis is also well-known for its strong connection to the identity of Saint Nicholas, who was Bishop of the city and the source of the modern day Santa Clause.
Myra Rock Tombs are a protected site under the “Central Finnish Fund”. They have been well preserved due to their location high up in the cliff side, and are currently being studied by the University of Antalya. Visiting the area can be done via a 15 -minute walk from the centre of Demre.
Paranomial Activity of Myra Rock Tombs, Antalya
Myra Rock Tombs are an ancient archaeological site located in the southern Turkish city of Antalya. The tombs are important for their incredible beauty and the impressive degree of their preservation, as well as for the information they provide about the ancient Lycian civilization. The tombs are believed to have been built in the late 4th century BCE, during the peak of the Lycian civilization. Visitors to the site can admire the 30 large tombs carved out of the faces of the cliffs. The tombs feature intricate carving and reliefs, and some contain inscriptions. Educational activities at the site focus on the tombs' role in the Lycian civilization, their architecture and the archaeological methods used to explore and interpret the site. Visitors can also explore the necropolis, or ancient cemetery, which includes tombs of voids created by erosion over the years as well as some standing tombs.It is one of the most horror places in the world.
Experience of people & Reviews of Myra Rock Tombs, Antalya
Myra Rock Tombs are a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Antalya, Turkey. The site is home to the tombs of Lycian kings and includes the remains of an ancient theatre and churches. People who have visited Myra Rock Tombs have described it as a unique and fascinating place to visit. Many have commented on the impressive architecture and have enjoyed learning about the history of the tombs. Some have even said that they felt as though they had been transported back in time. Many visitors also enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding landscape and found it peaceful and calming. Overall, people who visited Myra Rock Tombs enjoyed their experience and found it to be a great way to learn about the history and culture of the area.Visit some of the most horror places in the world.
FAQ'S of Myra Rock Tombs, Antalya
Q: Where are the Myra Rock Tombs located?
A: The Myra Rock Tombs are located in the ancient city of Myra, in the Demre district of Antalya, Turkey.
Q: How old are the Myra Rock Tombs?
A: The Myra Rock Tombs were carved by the ancient Lycian people in the 4th century BC to the 3rd century AD.
Q: Who are the Lycian people?
A: The Lycian people were an ancient people from the Mediterranean Coast of what is now Turkey.
Q: How many Rock Tombs are there at Myra?
A: There are more than 30 Rock Tombs at Myra, some of which are still in use by local residents.
Q: What is unique about the Myra Rock Tombs?
A: The Myra Rock Tombs contain some of the most impressive carvings of Lycian funerary architecture in the region, including ornate sarcophagus lids, balustrades, and relief designs.
Q: Is it possible to see the tombs in person?
A: Yes, you can visit the Myra Rock Tombs as part of a guided tour from nearby Demre.

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