What's the best way to experience the Christmas markets in Strasbourg?

Post ByAdequate Travel

Are you looking for a festive way to enjoy the holidays this year? Look no further than the Christmas markets in Strasbourg! Known as 'The Capital of Christmas', Strasbourg provides a unique and magical experience that you won't soon forget! In this blog, we'll explore some of the best ways to experience the Christmas markets in Strasbourg.

The best way to experience the Christmas markets in Strasbourg is to visit each of the six markets located around the city center. Start with the oldest of them all, the Christkindelsmärik (the “little market of the Infant Jesus”), which are usually visited by over two million people each year. Afterwards, head to the Place des Meuniers, or to the Place Kléber, to explore the Les Marchés Illumines to enjoy the illuminated decorations glowing across the city and explore the various markets for unique hand-crafted items from over 350 chalets. For an extra special experience, take a twilight horse-drawn carriage tour of the city, to bask in the warm glow of Strasbourg's festive atmosphere. The Christmas markets of Strasbourg are a popular tourist attraction, so be sure to make plans in advance to ensure you don’t miss out.While planning your trip, take note of any travel restrictions that may impact your itinerary, such as limited access to certain regions or attractions.

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