Valley of the Queens In Egypt: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Valley of the Queens, located along the western bank of the Nile River near Luxor, Egypt, is the burial place of the royal wives and children of the Pharaohs of the 19th and 20th dynasties of Egypt. The Valley of the Queens contains around 70 tombs, mostly of royal wives and many of princesses, but also several princes. It is also known as Biban el-Harim, the Place of the Girls. In ancient times, the valley was referred to as Ta-Set-Neferu-Behedet, meaning the Place of Beauty. It is believed that it got its current name of the Valley of the Queens from the Ancient Greek geographer Strabo who made reference to it. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Egypt
Prominent Features:

The Valley of the Queens is a scenic burial site in Egypt situated on the western bank of the Nile River, opposite Luxor. It is also known as Biban el-Harim, or “The Place of the Ladies”. This valley is the burial site of the wives of former Pharaohs of Egypt. It contains more than 90 tombs, some of which date back to the 16th century BCE. The most famous tomb in the Valley is that of Queen Nefertari, the consort of Pharaoh Ramses II. Many of these tombs are decorated with hieroglyphics, and some of them depict scenes of daily life in ancient Egypt. The walls of the tombs are painted with vibrant colors, and the decoration of the royal tombs is often considered the best example of ancient Egyptian art. Visitors are drawn to the Valley of the Queens for its architectural, historical, and religious importance. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Egypt.


The Valley of the Queens in Egypt is an ancient burial ground, located on the west bank of the Nile, across from the more famous Valley of the Kings. It is sometimes referred to as “Biban el-Harim” or “Gates of the Ladies.” Throughout ancient Egypt’s history, there had always been a tendency to use the tombs of kings and queens, and members of their families, for both religious and secular activities. The Valley of the Queens was not discovered until about the 16th century AD, although it’s believed that some tombs were built here as early as the 18th Dynasty (c. 1550–1295 BC). The Valley of the Queens was mainly used by the female members of the royalty such as the queens, princesses and princes, as well as the most favored members of the royal harem. Although the Valley of the Queens houses an impressive 64 tombs, there are only a few that have been fully investigated. In the Gallo-Roman period (100–400 AD) the Valley was used as a Christian cemetery, and remains of wooden crypts have been found that provide evidence of these earlier activities. The Valley of the Queens is an important archaeological site in Egypt, and the Egyptian Department of Antiquities has raised money to restore the tombs and preserve the site. Although much of the material found in the Valley has since been relocated to the Cairo Museum, the site still attracts annual visitors and provides invaluable insight into Egypt’s ancient culture. Visit one of the famous monuments of Egypt with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Valley of the Queens is a site in the Theban Necropolis located in Luxor, Egypt. 2. The valley is also known as Biban el Harim, meaning “the valley of the Queens” in Arabic. 3. It is the burial site of several queens from the New Kingdom Period of ancient Egyptian history (1550–1070 BCE). 4. The valley is also the location of the Tombs of the Nobles, tombs belonging to some of the most influential nobles and courtiers of the New Kingdom era. 5. The entrance of the Valley of the Queens is lined with a series of columned doorways. These may have been part of a mortuary temple, erected in the traditional Egyptian style. 6. Archaeologists believe that some of the tombs were extremely ornate and lavishly decorated. Paintings on the walls are thought to depict scenes from Ancient Egyptian myths and depict the afterlife in vivid detail. 7. The valley also contained many large and elaborate tombs of prominent rulers such as Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun. 8. Archaeologists have recently discovered multiple mummified bodies in some of the tombs, which indicates that the Valley of the Queens was also used for embalming. 9. The Valley of the Queens is now a registered UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the historical monuments of Egypt, it tells the story of a bygone era

Explore Egypt most popular tourist destination with us. Valley of the Queens In Egypt: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 35.14 km away from Egypt main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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