Pyramid of Merenre's mother Neith at Saqqara In Egypt: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


is a small stepped pyramid located at Saqqara in Egypt. It was built during the 6th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, around 2,400 BC, as a tomb for Neith, the mother of Pharaoh Merenre. The pyramid has a square base, and a small offering chapel located on its eastern side. It is built from limestone blocks, and stands about 10 meters high. The pyramid, which is now in a ruined state, was originally constructed as a pyramidion, but was later modified by the addition of a platform and a chapel. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Egypt
Prominent Features:

The Pyramid of Merenre's mother, Neith, is located in Saqqara in Egypt and is one of the oldest pyramids in Egypt. Built around 2345 BC, it is part of the larger 6th Dynasty Tomb Complex of Saqqara and was the first pyramid constructed for showcasing a woman as its owner. The pyramid is constructed from limestone and is arranged in a peculiar triangular shape known as a 'three-tiered Step-Pyramid'. This pyramid complex also used to contain the tomb of Merenre's father, Pepi II, before it was robbed in the 11th century. It is believed that Merenre himself was buried in this tomb complex due to his proximity to his mother Neith. The pyramid is 55 meters in height, and is relatively small compared to other pyramids of the area, although the interior walls and hallways still depict the use of hieroglyphs and inscriptions. It is considered an important landmark for its represented symbolism of motherhood due to its location and dedication to Neith. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Egypt.


The Pyramid of Merenre's mother Neith at Saqqara is believed to have been constructed some time around the mid-25th century BC during the reign of Merenre, the 6th Pharaoh of the 6th Dynasty. The pyramid is located in the south-south-east part of Saqqara and measures 6.33 meters in height, with a square base that is 40 by 40 meters. The pyramid was encircled by a small enclosure wall with two perpendicular entrances which have been heavily robbed in antiquity. Within this enclosure exists a sepulchral chamber made of limestone, with a niched block of schist on each side of the entrance, containing offerings made by Merenre to his mother, Neith. The pyramid has been extensively damaged by the passage of time, and only a few blocks remain of the enclosure walls, these mostly lying in the area around the pyramid itself. The pyramid itself is now no more than a pile of rubble with a few well-preserved blocks at its base. The burial chamber, however, has preserved much of its original form and is still present beneath the ruins of the pyramid. The significance of this pyramid lies in the fact that it is the first pyramid to have been built specifically for a woman’s burial in Egypt. This would suggest that Neith was of particularly high status in ancient Egypt as this was the norm for elite burial. It shows that she was highly respected and venerated by her son and his people, and it is likely that she had a position of power within the government of Merenre’s kingdom. Visit one of the famous monuments of Egypt with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Pyramid of Merenre's Mother Neith was built during the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, around 2320-2300 BC. 2. It was named after Merenre's mother Queen Neith and was one of the few pyramids to be dedicated to a queen. 3. The pyramid is located at the Pyramid Field of Saqqara, about 20 miles south of modern day Cairo. 4. The pyramid is the smallest of the four pyramids from the Old Kingdom era found at Saqqara. It stands at a height of only 30.5 meters and is 43.5 meters at its base. 5. Studies of the structure have revealed that it was built from local limestone and mud bricks and covered with a white mortar. 6. The pyramid’s entrance is found on its north side and leads directly into a single chamber. 7. Researchers believe that it was built using many of the same techniques as its larger counterparts, including a step pyramid core and eight exterior layers of decreasing angle. 8. The cemetery surrounding the pyramid contains several hundred mastaba tombs as well as several other minor structures. 9. Since its discovery, the Pyramid of Merenre’s Mother Neith has been the source of great debate among Egyptologists, as to the identity of the builders of the tomb and Neith’s own identity. 10. The Pyramid of Merenre’s Mother Neith is one of the most notable and mysterious structures from the Old Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt. One of the historical monuments of Egypt, it tells the story of a bygone era

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