Column of Glory In Russia: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


The Column of Glory is a memorial located in Volgograd, Russia. It is dedicated to the Soviet soldiers who were killed in World War II during the battle of Stalingrad (now known as Volgograd) from August 23, 1942 to February 2, 1943. The memorial was unveiled on April 24, 1967 and is 8 meters (26 ft) tall. It consists of a three-tiered base topped with a larger than life bronze statue of a soldier with a rifle in his right hand and a banner in his left. The bronze soldier stands atop a concrete and granite column with a star on the top. The base of the memorial is surrounded by a wrought iron fence with a granite slab on each side inscribed with the names of the fallen. The memorial has come to represent the courage and spirit of the Soviet people during wartime and serves as a reminder of the heavy human cost of World War II. It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Russia
Prominent Features:

The Column of Glory is a memorial located in the Admiralty area of St. Petersburg, Russia. It was built in 1834 to commemorate the Russian victory in the 1812 Patriotic War. The column stands 50 metres (164 feet) tall and is topped with an angel holding a cross. The column is reminiscent of the Trajan's Column in Rome, a masterpiece of Ancient Roman architecture. At the base of the monument is a statue of a soldier, representing the courage and bravery of the Russian soldiers in the war. Around the base of the column are reliefs depicting scenes from the war. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Russia.


The Column of Glory is a monument to commemorate the successful Russian campaign to liberate Kiev from the troops of Charles XII of Sweden in 1709. The history of the Column began during the reign of Catherine the Great, when a beautiful granite column was erected at a crossroads close to the ancient site on which the Battle of Poltava had taken place. Decorated with a double-headed eagle, a symbol of the Tsarist state, the Column has since been seen as a fitting tribute to the heroic soldiers who fought during the campaign. Aerial view of the Column of Glory in Ploskaya, Russia The Column's popularity is tied to its association with the legendary figure of Minin and Pozharsky. The story goes that two Russians, Kuzma Minin, a merchant, and Dmitry Pozharsky, a nobleman, used their own resources to raise an army to fight against the Swedes. To thank them for their valour, Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich gave Minin and Pozharsky honorary titles and granted them special privileges. There have been several different locations for the Column of Glory over the years. Initially it was situated in the area of Ploskaya, then moved to the city of Moscow in 1707. However, due to the Russian Revolution of 1917 the Column had to be moved again. Eventually it was relocated to the city of Novgorod in 1990 and finally to the city of Vologda in 2002. The Column of Glory still stands tall as a symbol of Russian resilience and courage, and its remarkable history is remembered in the present day. It is a reminder that even in the face of great odds, and a powerful enemy, the Russians can still emerge victorious. Visit one of the famous monuments of Russia with your friends and family.

Interesting facts:

1. The Column of Glory was erected in 1834 on the Field of Mars in St. Petersburg, Russia. 2. It was erected to commemorate Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. 3. The main statue on the column shows the winged figure of Tsar Alexander I guiding the nation with a staff in his left hand and a laurel crown hovering above his head. 4. The column stands 49m (160ft) high on a 12m (40ft) stone pedestal. 5. Around the base of the column are four statues of figures embodying bravery, loyalty, fidelity and dignity. 6. It is also topped with a gilded double eagle, the symbol of the Russian monarchy. 7. At the bottom of the column are four bronze bas-reliefs depicting the four stages of the 1812 War: the Russian army preparing for war, the battle at Borodino, the burning of Moscow and the capitulation of Napoleon. 8. The Column of Glory remains a popular destination in St. Petersburg and is a reminder of the bravery of the Russian people during the 1812 War. One of the historical monuments of Russia, it tells the story of a bygone era

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