Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara - Sakon Nakhon In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara - Sakon Nakhon In Thailand is a Buddhist temple complex located in the Tha Tum district of Sakon Nakon province in Thailand. The complex was originally constructed by King Songtam of Mukdahan in the late 15th century and later restored by the famous monk Chao Kong in the early 17th century. The complex features a 24-foot bronze Buddha statue, a walkway leading to the entrance of the temple, and a 25-tier chedi surrounded by four terraces. Inside the temple are several reception halls, a library, and a bell tower, all of which offer a unique view of temple life. The complex also houses an ornamental garden and various other attractions. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Thailand
Prominent Features:

1. Ancient temple: Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara is located in Sakon Nakhon Province in Thailand. It was built during the era of the Lan Na Kingdom in the sixteenth century and much of it is still intact. It is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in the region and is a popular pilgrimage site for Thai Buddhists. 2. Architecture: Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara features an interesting blend of traditional and contemporary architectural styles. The premises boasts a range of stupas, chedis, and refurbished wooden structures. It is a symmetrical layout and the most characteristic feature is a long main hall resembling an antique Chinese temple. 3. Vibrant murals: There are a series of vibrantly painted murals depicting the life of the Lord Buddha and his disciples, as well as various scenes from Thai mythology. The main hall also has a large gold Buddha statue in a seated position. 4. Modern facilities: Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara was recently renovated and now boasts modern facilities including a cafe, a library, and a meditation hall. The temple also provides meditation classes that are open to the public and are free of charge. 5. Exhibits: On the top floor of the building, there is an exhibit displaying traditional musical instruments and other artifacts. Visitors can also learn about the history and culture of Thailand as well as Buddhism. This national monument of Thailand portrays the history and culture of the country.


Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara is located in the Sakon Nakhon province of Thailand. According to a local legend, Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara was founded over 500 years ago by two Buddhist hermits, Phra Achan Nompon and Phra Toy. At first, the temple was a simple thatched hut made of mud and bamboo, and the monks simply used the surrounding natural resources to survive. Over the years, Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara slowly grew in size as more members of the local community began to donate money and supplies to the temple. Over time, the temple was expanded and became a much more comfortable place for monks to live in. The local community also helped the temple to become more formally recognized, with the Thai government declaring it an official temple in 1939. Throughout the temple's long and storied history, Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara has seen its share of struggles and joys. During World War II, the Japanese occupied Thailand, and along with other monasteries in the Sakon Nakhon province, Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara suffered greatly. Throughout the 20th century, the temple has had to regularly rebuild and renovate in order to accommodate for modern changes and new visitors. In recent years, Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara has become popular with tourists, both Thais and international visitors. Its beautiful architecture and gardens have made it one of the most iconic and recognizable landmarks in the Sakon Nakhon province. Today, visitors come to Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara to learn about Buddhism and observe the traditional Thai culture. You must visit one of these historical places in Thailand on your Thailand tour

Interesting facts:

1. Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara is a Buddhist temple in Sakon Nakhon, Thailand. 2. The temple’s main hall is decorated with bright, intricate and colorful wall paintings, depicting Buddha’s life story as well as the general aspects of Buddhism. 3. The temple features a modest size stupa and a golden standing Buddha statue. 4. It also houses numerous Buddha images with different postures and sizes, including rare wooden statues from India. 5. The temple serves as a spiritual and educational center for the locals and is a popular sightseeing spot for travelers. 6. Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara is close to the famous Phu Salu National Park and offers spectacular views of the mountains and plains. 7. The temple is dedicated to Kumarabhaca, a legendary monk from Sri Lanka that travelled to Thailand about 1400 years ago to spread the teachings of Buddha. Visit one of the famous monuments of Thailand with your friends and family.

Explore Thailand most popular tourist destination with us. Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara - Sakon Nakhon In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Thailand main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara is located in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand.

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Wat Pa Lelai Woravihara is located in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand. Thailand

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