Wat Chaiwatthanaram - Ayutthaya In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts


: Wat Chaiwatthanaram is a Buddhist temple located in Ayutthaya Historical Park, in the ancient Siamese city of Ayutthaya, Thailand. Built in the late 17th century, this unique temple features the classic Khmer-style architecture and a beautiful collection of chedis, stupas, and sculptures. The temple is still popular with Thai and international visitors alike, who come to explore the historic site. You can learn history, culture, and heritage through these magnificent monuments in Thailand
Prominent Features:

1. A Huge Complex: Wat Chaiwatthanaram is an impressive complex of temple towers, some of which reach up to 33 meters high. 2. A Historical Symbol: The temple is an important cultural symbol for Thailand, with its ruins serving as a reminder of the nation’s past and its long history. 3. Unique Architecture: The grand complex has a unique traditional Khmer style architecture, with impressive corbel-arched corridors and ornate prangs with gorgeous sculptures of Hindu mythology. 4. Scenic Location: The temple is located on the west bank of the Chao Phraya river, providing picturesque views of the river in the background. 5. Statues and Stucco Decorations: The temple complex is surrounded by sculptured figures and stucco decorations featuring Buddhist and Hindu figures, as well as scenes from the Ramayana story. 6. Vacation Spot: As a popular tourist site, the temple is often visited by travelers from all over the world on vacation in Thailand. This national monument of Thailand portrays the history and culture of the country.


Wat Chaiwatthanaram is a Buddhist temple in the ancient city of Ayutthaya, Thailand. Built by King Prasat Thong, Wat Chaiwatthanaram was intended to be a memorial to the king’s mother. The temple was built on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River, near the former palace of Ayutthaya. The temple complex consists of a main prang (religious tower) surrounded by eight smaller ones, forming a rectangular pattern. The temple was built using a combination of brick and stucco and is decorated with intricate carvings and figures of Buddha. The ruins of Wat Chaiwatthanaram were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991. During the Ayutthaya period, from the 14th to the 18th century, Wat Chaiwatthanaram was an important temple in the kingdom. Its architecture symbolized the power and influence of Ayutthaya and its rulers. Many paintings and sculptures made of gold, silver, and bronze were dedicated to the temple. In 1767, the Burmese invaded Ayutthaya and destroyed Wat Chaiwatthanaram, along with the rest of Ayutthaya. The temple remained in ruins until it was restored in the 1950s. Today, Wat Chaiwatthanaram is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Ayutthaya. You must visit one of these historical places in Thailand on your Thailand tour

Interesting facts:

1. Wat Chaiwatthanaram is one of the most famous Khmer-style religious monuments in Thailand. 2. The temple was built in 1630 by King Prasat Thong, for the purpose of enshrining a revered religious statue of Buddha. 3. The monument is built according to the traditional Khmer architectural style, with a sanctuary surrounded by several prangs. 4. The main sanctuary of the temple contains a large bronze Buddha statue that is approximately 1.5 metres tall. 5. The temple is also home to the longest corridor in Thailand, which runs around the sanctuary and its associated prangs. 6. To this day, Wat Chaiwatthanaram is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming to marvel at the unique architecture and sculptures surrounding the monument. Visit one of the famous monuments of Thailand with your friends and family.

Explore Thailand most popular tourist destination with us. Wat Chaiwatthanaram - Ayutthaya In Thailand: Overview,Prominent Features,History,Interesting facts,which is 0 km away from Thailand main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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