Reformed Castle Church In Switzerland: History,Facts, & Services

Reformed Castle Church in Switzerland (also known as Castle Church Lehenstein or Castle Church Reinach) is an historic building located in the canton of Reinach in the community of Riehen in Switzerland. Located in the Schloss Lehenstein district of Riehen, the building is a prominent example of 16th century Swiss architecture, and is one of the few surviving fortified churches from that period. It was built in 1591 for the Bernese nobles as a place of worship and as a safe refuge in times of war. Reformed Castle Church is still an active Reformed Protestant church and a popular tourist destination, boasting an impressive interior with noteworthy original features, such as the original 16th century altar, pulpit, organ, and hand-painted walls. The church also offers a number of traditional services, such as worship services, weddings, christenings, and funerals. The church's tower offers impressive views of the surrounding area and is open to visitors during the summer months.

Explore Switzerland most popular tourist destination with us. Reformed Castle Church In Switzerland: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Switzerland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Zurich. Switzerland

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