Katholische Kirche St. Martin In Switzerland: History,Facts, & Services

Katholische Kirche St. Martin In Switzerland is a Catholic church located in the town of Aprilla, Switzerland. It was founded in 1727 and is one of the oldest churches in the Canton of Uri. The church is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Chur. The original building was a simple, wooden structure, but it was quickly replaced by a stone structure in 1763. The facade of this new building was Baroque-style, while the interior of the church has a more modern feel, with some subtle elements of the traditional Swiss style. The church is most famous for its 13 wooden sculptures of saints, which line the altar. These sculptures, which were created between 1767 and 1783, are believed to have been crafted by three different artists, including Jakob Ehrhard, Hieronymus Ehrhard, and Anton Ischeler. The sculptures depict a variety of saints, each with their own unique style and facial expression. Katholische Kirche St. Martin In Switzerland offers a variety of services, including Sunday Mass, confessionals, baptisms, and other religious ceremonies. Additionally, the church also serves as a venue for community gatherings, such as concerts and festivals. The church also houses a living memorial to those who served during the First World War. The memorial consists of a plaque, which features the names of local soldiers who were killed in action. This living memorial serves as a reminder to the town of Aprilla of the sacrifice its citizens have made for their country.

Explore Switzerland most popular tourist destination with us. Katholische Kirche St. Martin In Switzerland: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Switzerland main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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St. Gallen Switzerland

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