De Wesleyaanse gemeente Immanuel In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services


is a Protestant church located in the town of Paramaribo, Suriname. It was established in 1836 when Wesleyan missionaries arrived in Suriname. It is part of the worldwide Wesleyan-Holiness Movement which is an evangelical and revivalist denomination whose theology is strongly affected by Pietism. The aim of the church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world in an effort to bring people to a saving knowledge of faith in Him. The church has a variety of ministries throughout Suriname. Some of these ministries include Biblical teaching, youth outreach, social services, evangelism and prayer ministry. It is one of the best churches in Suriname which you must visit.


1. De Wesleyaanse gemeente Immanuel is the oldest Wesleyan Methodist congregation in Suriname. 2. The church was founded in 1825 by the Dutch Reformed Missionary Society. 3. The church has a history of providing education and training to the citizens of Suriname. 4. The church has played a vital role in the economic development of Suriname. 5. It runs its own schools, hospitals, and other social services. 6. The church is considered an important religious and social center in Suriname. 7. The church is particularly important in the Afro-Surinamese and Indo-Surinamese communities. 8. The church has been heavily involved in the local political scene, advocating for the rights and benefits of its members. 9. The church runs an active Radio station called 'Radio Immanuel'. 10. The church is part of the World Methodist Council, an international organization of more than 80 million Methodists worldwide. Here are some facts about the Suriname Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Suriname


De Wesleyaanse gemeente Immanuel in Suriname biedt een verscheidenheid aan diensten aan. Deze diensten omvatten: 1. Gebedsdiensten: De kerk biedt zondagse gebedsdiensten voor al haar leden en bezoekers. Leden krijgen ook de mogelijkheid om persoonlijk te bidden op vrijdag- en donderdagavonden. 2. Preken: De voorgangers spreken tijdens de zondagse diensten over verschillende kerkelijke, maatschappelijke en spirituele thema's. 3. Bijbelstudies: Leden krijgen de mogelijkheid om verdieping te geven aan de bijbelstudie en er kan gediscussieerd worden over de gespreksonderwerpen tijdens de wekelijkse bijbelstudies op donderdagavond. 4. Koor: Leden kunnen op vrijdagavond deelnemen aan een koor en samen liederen zingen in de kerk. 5. Jongerenactiviteiten: Regelmatig organiseren de jongeren van de kerk activiteiten, variërend van sportevenementen tot educatievetevents. 6. Zieken bezoeken: Leden bezoeken zieken in de wijk en ze bidden voor hen. 7. Erediensten: Er wordt regelmatig een eredienst gehouden This beautiful church in Suriname has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Suriname most popular tourist destination with us. De Wesleyaanse gemeente Immanuel In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Suriname main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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