St. Augustinus Kerk In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services


is a Roman Catholic Church in Paramaribo, Suriname. The church was built in 1868 and is the oldest standing church in the city. It is named for Saint Augustine of Hippo, a 4th century theologian and philosopher. The church is an example of French Neoclassical architecture, with a tall facade, a bell tower, and an oval polished concrete interior. The church is an active parish, hosting regular services, and it serves as the site for religious ceremonies and festivals throughout the year. It is one of the best churches in Suriname which you must visit.


1. St. Augustinus Kerk is a Roman Catholic Church located in Paramaribo, the capital city of Suriname. 2. The church was established in 1865 by a Dutch missionary. 3. It is the largest church in the city and is well known among visitors for its Neo-Gothic style. 4. The church has three towers and a clock tower that plays classical Dutch hymns every hour. 5. It also houses a number of relics, including a cross and a bust of St. Augustine. 6. The interior of the church features beautiful stained glass windows, ornate marble floors, and Dutch artwork from the 17th century. 7. The church is also home to a number of religious activities, such as weekly masses and Lenten services. 8. Visitors can also enjoy exploring its lovely park, filled with old trees that have been growing for more than 150 years. 9. Every Wednesday at 2pm, the church offers a guided tour of the complex, where visitors can learn more about the history of the building and the city of Paramaribo. Here are some facts about the Suriname Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Suriname


The St. Augustinus Church in Suriname provides a variety of services for the community. Services include: * Sunday worship services * Bible study * Youth programs * Outreach and assistance programs * Marriage and baptism services * Community and charity events * Spiritual guidance and counseling * Prayer meetings * Music and choir programs * Spiritual retreats * Marriage preparation seminars * Cultural events This beautiful church in Suriname has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Suriname most popular tourist destination with us. St. Augustinus Kerk In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Suriname main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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Paramaribo Suriname

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