Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Nazaré - Parochie Onze Lieve Vrouw van Nazareth In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services


is a Roman Catholic Parish located in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname. It was established in 1787 as part of the Prelature of Paramaribo. The Parish consists of a Church, various chapels and a rectory. It is dedicated to Our Lady of Nazareth, being one of the oldest parishes in the city. It is served by priests of the diocesan clergy and sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of Nazareth. It is one of the best churches in Suriname which you must visit.


Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Nazaré – Parochie Onze Lieve Vrouw van Nazareth (Our Lady of Nazareth Parish) is a Catholic Parish in Suriname located in the District of Para. The parish was established on June 7, 1971, by the Archdiocese of Paramaribo. It serves the Catholic community in the northern part of the country, comprised mainly of Afro-Caribbeans and Maroons. The parish is run by Father Robby Chittaranjan. The parish offers a range of services to the local community. These include liturgical services, religious education, catechesis, social work, health ministry and music ministry. There are several spiritual activities available to the parishioners, such as retreats, pilgrimages and weekly devotions. The parish also plays an active role in the social and economic growth of the region. It supports several local businesses, particularly within the fishing industry. The church also runs programs which aid in the development of the area by providing job training and supporting local initiatives. Due to its geographic location, the parish is subject to hurricanes, floods, droughts and earthquakes. The parish is therefore involved in programs to help those affected by these natural disasters, such as providing emergency relief and offering spiritual and psychological support. Here are some facts about the Suriname Church.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Suriname


Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Nazaré is een katholieke parochie in Suriname. De parochie is gelegen in de hoofdstad Paramaribo. De parochie biedt een verscheidenheid aan kerkelijke diensten en activiteiten. Deze diensten en activiteiten omvatten: • Misvieringen: De parochie biedt wekelijkse en maandelijkse misvieringen, waaronder de zondagmis, Kinddiensten, Maaltijdvieringen, Rozenkransbidders, pelgrimages en novenes. • Sacramentalen: De parochie biedt veel sacramenten, zoals doop, biecht, eerste communie, huwelijk en ziekenzalving. • Sacramentele programma's: De parochie biedt programma's zoals katechese lessen over het katholieke geloof, jeugdprogramma's, fokking-leiderschapsprogramma's en katholieke kunst. • Spiritualiteit: De parochie biedt activiteiten zoals gebedsbijeenkomsten, retraites, bijdragen en scrabblewedstrijden. • Gemeenschapsdiensten: De parochie biedt verschillende gemeenschapsdiensten zoals voedselbanken, middelen voor armen en kinderopvang. • Zendingswerk: De parochie ondersteunt verschillende buitenlandse zendingsdiensten, waaronder Colombiaanse zendingsactiviteiten. • Socioculturele activiteiten: De parochie biedt verschillende cursussen en thema-events. • Andere diensten: De parochie biedt ook Pastorale diensten, juridische hulp, spirituele advisering, ouderenzorg en begeleiding. This beautiful church in Suriname has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Suriname most popular tourist destination with us. Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Nazaré - Parochie Onze Lieve Vrouw van Nazareth In Suriname: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Suriname main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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