Capela de Nossa Senhora da Guia In Portugal: History,Facts, & Services

Capela de Nossa Senhora da Guia is a Catholic chapel in the city of Angra dos Reis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The chapel is located on Ilha Grande, an island off the coast of mainland Brazil, and has been a popular site of pilgrimage and prayer since it was built in the 16th Century. The chapel is dedicated to Our Lady of Guidance, and is known for its vibrant architecture and artwork. The structure is adorned with paintings, wooden sculptures, and an elaborately detailed colorful coat of arms. The original structure was destroyed by a hurricane in 1779 and rebuilt five years later in 1784, with additional dark-hued tiles laid in 1936. The unique architecture of the chapel is a combination of the Baroque and Manueline styles, resulting in a dramatic juxtaposition of elegant ornate shapes, bright colors, and gold accents. Since its construction, the chapel has been a popular center for travelers, pilgrims, and locals alike, for prayer and celebration.

Explore Portugal most popular tourist destination with us. Capela de Nossa Senhora da Guia In Portugal: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Portugal main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Alagoas, Brazil

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Alagoas, Brazil Portugal

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