Church Of The Foursquare Gospel In The Philippines In Philippines: History,Facts, & Services

and Ministries The Church Of The Foursquare Gospel In The Philippines is a Protestant Christian Church established in 1924 by Rev. Aimee Semple McPherson. It is the first international denomination to be established in the country and today is one of the most influential churches in the country. The church emphasizes evangelism, discipleship, holiness and education, as well as practical works of charity in the Philippines. It is organized into local churches, missions, and ministry teams led by presiding pastors. History The Church Of The Foursquare Gospel In The Philippines traces its roots back to the early 20th century when Rev. Aimee Semple McPherson, one of the most influential evangelists of the time, visited the Philippines in 1924 and held a series of revival meetings. Her fruitful ministry impacted Filipino churchgoers, sparking a nationwide revival and inspiring the establishment of the Church Of The Foursquare Gospel In The Philippines (CFGP). Facts - The Church of the Foursquare Gospel has over 9,000 churches and missions in the Philippines. - It is the largest Protestant denomination in the Philippines. - It is the second-largest religious group in the country behind Roman Catholicism. - The Church operates both in urban and rural areas. Services and Ministries The Church Of The Foursquare Gospel offers many programs and activities designed to help people grow in their faith and develop their potential. Such activities include: - Bible studies and worship services - Mission trips - Local and foreign missions and ministries - Youth and young adult ministries - Evangelism - Leadership training seminars and programs - Music events and festivals - Community outreach activities and projects - Counseling and support services (e.g. prisoners’ aid and family services) - Education and vocational training programs

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