Trinity New Beginnings Jerusalem In Palestine: History,Facts, & Services

Trinity New Beginnings Jerusalem In Palestine is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to helping people in need in central Jerusalem. It is an Orthodox Christian organization that provides programs and services to vulnerable and marginalized people. The core programs focus on providing services to children, families in poverty, immigrants, and the elderly. These services include: health care; education; employment; housing; family and legal support; and crisis intervention. Trinity New Beginnings Jerusalem also offer volunteer opportunities for those interested in helping the organization in its mission. The organization works closely with Palestinian Christian Unity, the Jerusalem Center for International Cooperation, and USAID to provide support to the local population. The organization also works with other organizations to provide relief aid and medical assistance to those affected by violence in the area.

Explore Palestine most popular tourist destination with us. Trinity New Beginnings Jerusalem In Palestine: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Palestine main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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    Trinity New Beginnings Jerusalem is located in Palestine.

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Trinity New Beginnings Jerusalem is located in Palestine. Palestine

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