St. Margaret Chapel In Malta: History,Facts, & Services

St. Margaret Chapel is a historic Anglican chapel located in East Oxford, England. It was built in the late 15th century, making it Oxford's oldest surviving building. It has been used as a chapel, community center, and school. The chapel is dedicated to St. Margaret of Antioch and is part of the Church of England. St. Margaret Chapel It is one of the best churches in Malta which you must visit.


Built in the late 15th century, St. Margaret Chapel was originally called simply “The Mount.” It was likely the private chapel of a wealthy family and is believed to have once been owned by Queen’s College Oxford. The chapel was badly damaged by a fire in 1581 and was restored shortly afterwards. In 1665, the chapel was renovated and enlarged once again, and this is still the building that remains today. The chapel has been used for worship by numerous groups over the centuries, including both Protestants and Catholics. St. Margaret Chapel This is why, it is considered one of the oldest churches in Malta.


Here are some facts about the St. Margaret Chapel In Malta: History,Facts, & Services.These facts will help you understand why it is on the list of the best churches in Malta
- St. Margaret Chapel is Oxford's oldest surviving building, with its construction completed in the late 15th century. - It was the private chapel of a wealthy noble family, possibly Queen’s College Oxford. - The chapel has been renovated and enlarged twice after it was damaged by a fire and another renovation. - It has been used as a chapel, community center and school. - It is dedicated to St. Margaret of Antioch and has been used by multiple denominations of Christianity over the years. St. Margaret Chapel

St. Margaret Chapel currently offers regular Sunday services including Eucharist, Family Services, and Morning Prayer. The chapel also offers special services for baptisms, weddings, and funerals, as well as various other spiritual and community events.This beautiful church in Malta has made a lot of significance in the past.

Explore Malta most popular tourist destination with us. St. Margaret Chapel In Malta: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Malta main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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