Alantos Šv. apaštalo Jokūbo bažnyčia In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services

Alantos Šv. apaštalo Jokūbo bažnyčia is a Baroque-style Catholic church located in the town of Alantai in Lithuania. It was built in 1650 by the then ruler of Samogitia, Kristupas Radvila, and later renovated in 1830. Despite its age, the church still stands today, serving as a place of worship for many of the town’s residents. The church features striking stone architecture, including a tall bell tower and a majestic altar. It is also home to many ancient artifacts, including several 15th-century frescos and a variety of statues. Alantos Šv. apaštalo Jokūbo bažnyčia is an important part of Lithuania’s cultural heritage and serves as a reminder of the country’s lengthy religious legacy. It offers weekly services in both Lithuanian and Latin, and is open to visitors for guided tours.

Explore Lithuania most popular tourist destination with us. Alantos Šv. apaštalo Jokūbo bažnyčia In Lithuania: History,Facts, & Services,which is 35.14 km away from Lithuania main town, is the most popular destination to add in your travel wishlist.

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